Example sentences of "it also [vb -s] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 While the company writes most of these itself , it also sells Unix financial and business management applications from Prophecy UK Ltd , a subsidiary of Adelaide , South Australia-based Computer Software Packages Pty Ltd .
2 It also keeps track of who is using what within a client organisation , checks that no unauthorised copies are in circulation , updates inventories , and writes reports for software audits .
3 If it is allowed to get too hot it also produces dioxin , an unacceptable contaminant in the TCP used for manufacture of hexachlorophene .
4 But as a resourceless rebellion it also produces isolation and dependency .
5 It also encourages assembly participants to submit samples of video footage on social movements in their respective countries .
6 It also encourages evaluation because if choice is to be made between alternatives then evaluation of past and future spending in the alternative areas has to be assessed .
7 It also plays host to a number of strange , ghostly occurrences according to a book I belong to Glasgow by Bill Hamilton and Gordon Carsely , from which I am most obliged for the information .
8 This not only generates extra profits , it also helps build relationships , with other companies , so , for example , MMT may be able to use a partner 's staff if necessary and vice versa .
9 For if a shared morality is necessary in this sense , then anything which threatens it also threatens society , and the law may therefore be used to protect it .
10 Since this is integral it also solves problem 7 .
11 It also eats grass and benefits from a regular supply of green vegetables in its diet .
12 Blindcraft 's speciality is beds , but it also manufactures bedroom furniture and wire products such as reinforcing panels for underground roadways in coalmines and shelving for fridges and freezers .
13 The fact that it also rejects punishment in favour of individualised treatment geared to the particular needs of the offender has meant that , unlike deterrence , it has managed to present itself as a humane , caring alternative to the ‘ primitive revenge ’ of retribution .
14 It also promotes team spirit , raises thousands for well deserving causes and , above all , is fun !
15 The fact that we give each other little clues , invitations and propositions , gives a transparency to our motives , but it also builds excitement and suspense about the actual unveiling of each coming together .
16 It also undertakes installation and training as well as providing software enhancements and a helpdesk .
17 This is a cleansing agent of the digestive tract and it also aids digestion .
18 It also expresses support for self-help initiatives and a move away from the dependency of users on public and private services .
19 It also expresses concern that ‘ the increasing number of going concern qualifications which we foresee this statement precipitating may force businesses into receivership that might otherwise survive . ’
20 The report emphasises that the parish ministry should be at the heart of the Church of Scotland in remote rural areas as elsewhere but it also expresses concern that this is dependent on adequate financial resources .
21 It also requires presentation in a manner acceptable to both generalist and specialist managers .
22 If his work needs to be considered in the context of the contemporary politics of the Communist Party , as several commentators have stressed , it also requires reference to work done in the history of the sciences , particularly that of Gaston Bachelard in the history of physics and chemistry , his pupil Georges Canguilhem in the life sciences , and Jean Cavaillès in mathematics .
23 Other than in the early stages of a completely new programme it also requires evaluation of existing training , so that evaluation may be as important as identification of needs .
24 It also requires money to pay for transferring important components or sections of the aircraft structure to a place where they can be properly examined and possibly tested and for the different kinds of structural tests which have to be carried out on undamaged components .
25 It also requires amendment to the Treaty of Rome .
26 The second point er chairman is that one particular solution adopted by a couple of County Councils the one in particular has been to have a local act requiring registration of car boot sales which gives enforcement officers a chance to know they 're going to happen and it also requires display of names and addresses not suggesting it is not entirely suggest that is here but late last night we simply felt we want to talk about the possibility of a framework enabling this legislation which will allow that to happen on national basis oh , as a way of controlling this , this sort of activity .
27 It also lubricates hair , making it easier to comb , thus reducing damage due to friction .
28 It has come to expect the steady increase in the standard of living that new developments in science and technology have brought to continue , but it also distrusts science because it does n't understand it .
29 It also reduces stress , makes people more sociable , helps them to sleep , may lower blood pressure and may even reduce the incidence of gallstones .
30 It also reduces startup time to under 40 seconds .
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