Example sentences of "it that the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The MRC contained radical SR members but was dominated by Bolsheviks and it was through it that the October uprising was planned .
2 How is it that the United States ' ( and British ) military machine — more American troops and weapons than in Europe at the height of the cold war — is pounding away , day after day , at a low-tech Third World enemy ?
3 If we can notice differences in people , then how is it that the IAAF and other governing bodies do not notice them as well and start target-testing them during the winter months ?
4 Today 's myth has it that the Davy miner 's lamp brought safety to Britain 's coal pits .
5 An article in the issue of 10 February entitled ‘ Why the safety lamp increased accidents ’ ( p 352 ) is headed ‘ Today 's myth has it that the Davy miner 's lamp brought safety to Britain 's coal pits .
6 Now , what 's the difference between Switzerland and Scotland is it , is it that the Swiss have more money ? , is it that the Swiss are more body conscious , is it that the Scot 's are more puritanical , they think that there are more important things to think about , what do you think ?
7 ‘ STEPHEN STREET 'S music has a crispness to it that The Smiths never managed .
8 But how was it that the EC opted for a currency union ?
9 Some accounts have it that the Leviathan was actually the mate of the land beast BEHEMOTH .
10 DID you know well , yes , because everyone 's banging on about it that the FA Cup Final programme cost a fiver ?
11 Yet it is on that flood and the damage to swimming pools and jacuzzis caused by it that the NRA relies so heavily to demonstrate the existence of a so-called Maidenhead factor .
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