Example sentences of "it is time [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Surely it is time to ask what are the Russians waiting for ?
2 Perhaps it is time to ask ourselves whether the notion of treatment by opposites , which has held the stage for so long , is indeed the false path that Hahnemann considered it to be .
3 THE more scientists write to The Times threatening to vote Labour unless we give them huge sums of money , the more many of us feel it is time to call a halt to science .
4 To paraphrase Canning , however , it is time to call into being eastern Europe to redress the balance of western Europe .
5 It is time to call in the military .
6 IT IS time to call Labour 's poll tax bluff .
7 AFTER a decade of conflict between councils and the Government , Ian Lang , the Scottish Secretary , believes it is time to call a truce .
8 Surely it is time to call a halt to all vehicles on the pavement .
9 To the Congress and to all Americans , I say it is time to acclaim a new consensus at home and abroad — a common vision of the peaceful world we want to see .
10 It is time to empower elderly people too .
11 It is time to stop considering the sea as the universal garbage can , ’ he announced .
12 When your arms become too heavy to hold either out to your sides or above your head , or they start trembling , it is time to stop .
13 It could not have come about if the Trust had ever said to itself ‘ it is time to stop growing ’ .
14 The division between commerce and morality will evaporate — it is time to stop pretending .
15 It is time to stop before it is too late , ’ Eduard Shevardnadze told journalists in the Abkhazian village where the plane fell , killing its pilot .
16 The analogy is with instinctive mystery — an arcane communing which erupts suddenly at a mutually understood signal , like an entire species of bird becoming aware that it is time to mate .
17 When you have a version of the report that is nearly acceptable it is time to test it .
18 Castors , as well as being a straightforward mobility device , also help with kitchen hygiene when it is time to clean the floor .
19 It is time to leave the capital and have a walk ; let us rise betimes .
20 This pretty island is only an hour away by ferry so you will have plenty of time to get a real feel for the island and begin to enjoy its special magic before it is time to leave .
21 It is time to leave off , his daughter tells him , it s time to burst forth like a butterfly .
22 It is time to leave this place .
23 It is time to pray .
24 This has been quite a long , drawn-out argument , and it is time to remind ourselves of how we got into it in the first place .
25 Although he is unhappy and feels it is time to die , he thanks God he is well again .
26 After this build-up of the neocortex as the organ endowing us with superior mental functions , it is time to see what messages are actually passed along its nerve fibres .
27 All too soon it is time to slow down and leave the motorway , descending into smaller-scale streets , into the congestion of traffic lights , roundabouts , T-junctions .
28 ‘ We think it is time to kill the project off , ’ one official told New Scientist last week .
29 As we fast approach the end of the first section of the calendar , it is time to gather information for the July — December section .
30 Comrades , it is time to wake and see your chains .
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