Example sentences of "it is [adv] [ex0] " in BNC.

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1 What is more likely to happen is that the intensity of the pain will gradually diminish as the weeks go by until , one day , you wake up and realize that it is not there any more .
2 Where parking is off-street the streets seem relatively safe , but where it is not there are obvious dangers .
3 It is when there are two diners present , even when one of them is one 's own employer , that one finds it most difficult to achieve that balance between attentiveness and the illusion of absence that is essential to good waiting ; it is in this situation that one is rarely free of the suspicion that one 's presence is inhibiting the conversation .
4 That 's the way it is when there is n't much money in the club .
5 it is n't there any more , beautiful old house like Moot House , similar to Moot House was n't it ?
6 There 's an easier way of doing it is n't there ?
7 I 'm sure if people will perhaps they look at the church and think oh it 's out of touch but it is n't there are churches that are alive and have something very relevant to say today .
8 You ca n't close your eyes and say , it is n't there , if I do n't look it 'll go away .
9 in it is n't there ?
10 you know those orange drinks , which it says real oranges in nine times out of ten , it is n't there 's always some additives and what have you
11 You ca n't draw out cash if it is n't there .
12 Well there 's so many different bits to it is n't there ?
13 Perhaps it is n't there .
14 There 's quite a lot to it is n't there ?
15 I forget what mania this is , there 's a word for it is n't there ?
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