Example sentences of "it is [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is rather as a precaution against compounding one media mistake with another .
2 It is rather as if a burglar , when sued for the recovery of the stolen property or its value , sought contribution from a security guard who , by falling asleep while on duty , had made the burglary possible .
3 When he fragments and decomposes the objects in his still lifes and landscapes , it is not in order to strip form bare or to disengage some essential quality , but it is rather as a means of creating a completely new kind of pictorial space .
4 It is rather to be traced to the survival of feudal notions of lordship .
5 It is rather like a Labour Party conference , without the block vote .
6 It is rather like warfare , the seesaw of offensive and defensive , of tank armour and the high-velocity penetrating bullet .
7 I do n't mind ; it is rather like being a little girl again .
8 It is rather like the older generation 's fascination with the Royal Family . ’
9 It is rather like the older generation 's fascination with the Royal Family , ’ he added .
10 It is rather like looking for a single straw in a haystack .
11 It is rather like having a door handle to be opened .
12 It is rather like the driver who is deep in thought about a domestic crisis ; his attention is highly concentrated on personal matters , yet another part of his consciousness manages to navigate the car safely through the traffic .
13 In that , it is rather like an achene , except that a nut is derived from two or more carpels while the achene comes from a single carpel .
14 It is rather like someone switching on a cassette in one room and then walking into another .
15 It is rather like being at the Court of Elizabeth 1 .
16 It is rather like a BANSHEE , with wails like those of a woman and which pierce the countryside for miles around .
17 Trying to persuade a German owner of one to part with it is rather like trying the same exercise on a Frenchman with an E-model Jodel D140 Mousquetaire .
18 It is rather like tackling a marathon without training or throwing yourself into a game of squash when you are out of condition .
19 It is rather like a human Scud missile . ’
20 It is rather like looking at people with a telescope rather than a microscope .
21 A lot of speakers think this is what prevaricate means ; it is rather like procrastinate ( put off until tomorrow ) and the ‘ stall ’ meaning makes sense in most contexts where the word is actually used .
22 it is rather like highlighting the lion 's view of captivity , it implies that this is demonstrably different from the tiger 's view , and this draws attention away from the significant fact of captivity .
23 It is rather like something that I used to do as a young groundsman coming up through the ranks , when I applied for vacant jobs all over the place , the bigger and more prestigious the place the better , and more often than not without the slightest intention of taking the job if it had been offered !
24 It is rather like feeling that the dark companion of Sirius is somehow less certainly known because we infer its presence from its gravitational effect upon the Dog Star than it would be if we could actually see it — as if gravity were somehow less real than light .
25 But this is no independent check : it is rather like buying a second copy of the same newspaper in order to check on whether the first was telling the truth .
26 It is rather like copying the squirrel who collects nuts all through the summer when he can and then has a good store for the lean winter months . ’
27 It is rather like working with people from other countries ; there may be good communication at one level , but at the same time one has the sense of the difference of cultures .
28 It is rather like competition in the market place , only the costs of failure are very much higher , involving violence and anarchy .
29 It is rather like a child rejecting food he has not tasted because he does not have enough information to make it seem attractive .
30 It seems " fair " to both parties only because it is not obviously unfair to either of them , It is rather like the resultant of mechanical forces pulling in different directions .
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