Example sentences of "it it is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 No it it is probably one of the difficulties if it ever
2 But but it it is n't the longest enquiry in this part of the world in in living memory .
3 The invasion has renewed calls for fencing to be installed but Jackie Stewart , who saw his own name earsed from the record books by Mansell 's win , said it it is n't practical .
4 Well it , I mean let's face it it is n't gon na be no bigger than a clock is it ?
5 Er if you catch the corner of the bannister just as you 're going by , usually have a wrapper over anyway , but i it it is n't going to damage .
6 Well it 's against all training that we receive , there is no need for it it is just something that we would not do .
7 Now you might that will get us on T V and it it is also self financing as well in as much as you set up the promotion , the T V companies but it off you .
8 I am not usually a forward sort of person as you know Elsie but I thought there had been enough talk about death enough of wanting bad bad things so I said why kill it it is not a fish for the pot .
9 Erm no I I honestly do n't think that er that the the problem is as big as as big as you you say it is and I I think the the structures are there to deal with that and if if people had you know if people used them then they would they would work and they from time to time that they are used and you know it it is not impossible to get rid of rid of a teacher in in the way you are suggesting .
10 Er but but it it is not simple as in any of these matters er in that the change in the vacant dwellings difference here also has a consequential figure for dwellings different at the end .
11 Er and it may well be as Mr has suggested that when we look at it it is not a problem .
12 Erm , the the reference of last resort was Mr Thomas 's reference erm it it is not a reference which I think you find anywhere er in government guidance , and I think what P P G thre three says is the opportunity to pursue them will be relatively rare , we think this is a relatively rare circumstance , er in North Yorkshire , it 's unique , er and it 's entirely driven er by justifiable er reasons to protect the the wider environment of Greater York .
13 It er it , we , certainly the expansion of Tadcaster has been looked at quite thoroughly , though not only by the local authorities , but by the private sector , and the , and I think the the agreement has been that it it is not possible at the scale which is required to meet the needs of Greater York .
14 But I do n't want any confusion it it is not the same as when John joined us .
15 It always it it is always a thing that is i within football , y you get a goal and then you get in behind the ball and think that you you 're safe and you 're alright .
16 And I therefore feel that it it is indeed both a strategic and a local consideration .
17 There 's very little room for the qualitative work I 've been talking about : it it is there it tends to get tacked on to an existing project when the sociologist is brought in to provide expertise on survey design or interviewing or to use a standard measure of patient ‘ quality of life . ’
18 Yes I mean even though what I was saying about do n't worry about the , the , the headlines , you know , it it is there you are , and the last one , but you 're actually just giving someone a clue if they wanted to , or if they wanted to find out very briefly what it is about .
19 You just stood it Well you could stand it like it it is then .
20 It it is very difficult to determine exactly what er space requirements are .
21 There is usually little difficulty in establishing a good business reason , since without it it is highly unlikely that a company would wish to relocate .
22 Now the coal field is a clearly very complex issue , but basically it it is now becoming clearer that er the life of the coalfields will not be as long as originally envisaged .
23 I think that the idea of offsetting imbalances on on one project er with transfer the work in other is certainly very interesting but of course as far as the erm tornado programme is concerned I think it it is now really far too late because production is over apart from the the second Saudi Arabian order and we are really only working on the manufacture of spares and given that the existing suppliers are all tooled up for those and indeed her are way down the learning curve having produced vast quantities of them , it really would n't be economic to transfer any of that work now I do n't think .
24 We have been in Britain more than a year now , so the Home Office has extended her visa , but each time they extend it it is only by three months or six months so that she is never eligible for school .
25 No no I mean it 's er it it it is only polite is n't it to do that er
26 So you 're I 'm I feel sure that it it is so .
27 and before we know it it is out of our hands :
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