Example sentences of "it was part of " in BNC.

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1 The leadership of the state knew in large measure what was wanted : it was part of the national — popular consciousness as well as being itself a result of the convention between church and Irish parliamentary party in the previous century .
2 In 1988 a visiting colleague from the Royal Ulster Constabulary asked if it was part of my role in Systems Development Department to comment on such essays .
3 It was part of ‘ the patrician Jew 's ’ mental furniture ( without compromising his special status , to be sure ) .
4 But it was part of a performance by one of the contenders for the Ninth National Review of Live Art .
5 In the morning we slipped it back under the hen , and at once it was part of the family .
6 In part , it was part of a wider decline in the authority of national institutions from the monarchy to the police ; satire and culture criticism reflected the process and took it further .
7 It was part of the mystique .
8 Managing director Kevin Eakin said that while the half percentage point cut would not have a dramatic effect , it was part of a series of cuts all in the right direction .
9 For centuries it was part of the richest life support system in the world .
10 It was part of the job : his mother was sovereign , he was her heir and they would share secrets that no one else could ever know .
11 SIR Leon Brittan , the senior British EC Commissioner , yesterday said that the European Community should welcome East Germany into the EC providing it was part of West Germany .
12 It was part of the mystique , or so we thought .
13 It , too , was at another of the world 's maritime crossroads : it was part of the island chain from Asia to Australasia ; it was an important source of sterling rubber and tin ; and it had major naval , army and air installations to house and support strategic reserves .
14 Moreover , many of them had brothers or fathers or sons who were free : it was part of a household deployment of people to spread them among occupations for mutual security and utility .
15 It was part of the larger movement of self-improvement by working people and not surprisingly , given Nonconformist domination , it used religious language and insisted on ‘ conversion ’ and renunciation .
16 It was part of that ‘ love-hate ’ aspect of the special relationship between the two countries .
17 He knows the place well — it was part of his Foreign Office brief three years ago — and he impressed people there with his sympathetic views .
18 He hesitated before slipping the President 's boxer shorts down but it was part of the job .
19 She banged into something solid which she immediately grabbed hold of , imagining it was part of a house .
20 It was part of the morning routine she 'd adopted , a routine that had her up and dressed before John came through .
21 It was part of the failure of the comprehensive schools to shake off the image of ‘ grammar schools for all ’ .
22 Anyway , it was part of your task to appear interested in a woman who , if not boring , was lonely and — ’ she gave a high-pitched mirthless laugh — ‘ shall we say , slightly unbalanced — so as to find out … well , whatever it was that you were enquiring into .
23 Historically , testing arose out of the desire to break down arbitrary barriers of class , race and nationality ; it was part of the democratisation of society at the turn of the century .
24 It was part of the defoliant Agent Orange , that the US forces sprayed on Vietnamese forests during the 1960s and 1970s .
25 I knew that it made , besides such things as textiles , the remarkable Oerlikon guns and that it was part of the Oerlikon-Buhrle Group , employing some 40 000 people , mostly in Europe , but also in the US and Japan .
26 The crusade was more than the great pilgrimage launched by Pope Urban in 1095 ; it was part of a larger movement , the expansion of Europe , against Islam and paganism in Spain , all through the Mediterranean , in Syria and the Holy Land , and in the Slavonic countries bordering on East Germany .
27 For him it was part of the natural order of things that a rising ‘ larger nation ’ like Prussia should absorb Poland and the Poles .
28 It was part of my family .
29 It was part of me . ’
30 I raised a hand in farewell and went back to the dining room where the real mystery had easily usurped Zak 's , though some were sure it was part of the plot .
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