Example sentences of "it was on his " in BNC.

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1 He pulled the drawer right out so that it was on his knee .
2 It was on his head that you returned to the beat on time .
3 He did n't mind socializing with his staff as long as it was on His terms and at their expense , but to meet them as equals on neutral ground was another matter .
4 But it was on his return to the West Coast that he was to suffer most discomfiture .
5 Leicester manager Brian Little confirmed that Walsh will be fined and insisted : ‘ I did n't tell Steve to say ‘ sorry ’ If he did , it was on his own initiative .
6 In order to exercise this authority , however , it was first necessary to settle the dispute with York , and it was on his handling of this issue that Anselm 's reputation with the monks of Canterbury chiefly depended : they later compared him with Lanfranc to his disadvantage .
7 It was on his back , between his shoulder blades .
8 It was on his deathbed in this French-style palace , an exquisite architectural tribute to the shared tastes of the Auld Alliance , that James heard of his daughter 's birth and predicted of his realm ‘ It cam ’ wi' a lass , and it 'll gang wi' a lass . ’
9 It was open to the solicitor , if the appellants be right , to explain to the judge why they were absent , because it was on his advice .
10 It was on his recommendation that the guard-rail was rebuilt , and he constantly reminded everyone visiting the belvedere of the hazard . ’
11 Huy had been more help to the Medjay than he realised ; but it was on his own account that he decided to take up Taheb 's invitation and visit her .
12 It was on his prompting that ethnic drop-out youths were now accepted onto college courses without formal qualifications ; it was on his urging that examinations were now being set and marked in Urdu and other minority languages , the faculties shamed at last out of their insistence that English was the only language in the world that counted .
13 It was on his prompting that ethnic drop-out youths were now accepted onto college courses without formal qualifications ; it was on his urging that examinations were now being set and marked in Urdu and other minority languages , the faculties shamed at last out of their insistence that English was the only language in the world that counted .
14 It was on his picture list .
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