Example sentences of "it was in his " in BNC.

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1 He was impelled to say something : it was in his blood , his whole being drove him on .
2 In this way the child learnt that it was in his own interest for the experimenter to go to the empty box .
3 If Ackerley derived any satisfaction from this rough , rackety , frustrated life it was in his work at The Listener , where his enlightened editorial policies make him sound like a reviewer 's dream ( he telephoned contributors at midnight to query the removal of a comma ) .
4 Quite right ; but I 'd had a vague recollection , and looked it up , and although the shirt of the centaur Nessus , saturated as it was in his poisoned blood , had caused Hercules no end of pain …
5 It was in his experience difficult for most people to prove conclusively exactly where they had been for any forty-eight-hour period , members of the Metropolitan police force always excepted , and this was going to make his life very difficult .
6 Saddam Hussein threatened that it was in his power to sponsor terrorist attacks on the countries ranged against him .
7 It was in his camp here that he was approached by a French envoy on behalf of Duke Maximilian of Bavaria , the same Maximilian who had been given the Palatine Electorate in 1623 , with a view to saving his lands from the depredations of Gustavus .
8 Barrow , the former Liphook all-rounder , wants to continue playing Minor Counties cricket for Berkshire and felt it was in his interests to join a division one side .
9 It was in his capacity as a sales manager with Timex that McMurdo first acquired the taste for the agent 's life .
10 It was in his adopted position of right-back that Paul gained two England Under 21 caps and he is one of only a handful of players who have appeared for the Palace in ten post-war seasons , while his 319 games for the club place him firmly in the top five all-time appearances for us .
11 I knew the squadron was ordered out that night and he would be amongst them , and if ever death was in the face of a man , it was in his that afternoon .
12 ( It was in his bilingual edition of the six surviving books that Bachet de Meziriac enunciated the Four Square Theorem , mentioned in Box B. )
13 If he was a zealot , it was in his strict adherence to his Faith ; if he was bigoted , it was in his belief that the kirk was of the people and answerable to no master other than God .
14 If he was a zealot , it was in his strict adherence to his Faith ; if he was bigoted , it was in his belief that the kirk was of the people and answerable to no master other than God .
15 He knew how it had come to him , and now it was in his hand .
16 Lineker , on the other hand , took his decision having already played in two World Cups , deciding it was in his best interests to seek a fortune playing in Japan rather than face the prospect of losing his status and even his England place as his legs began to fail him .
17 Lord Hesketh had poured his own fortune into the team and it was in his nature to run the whole show .
18 It was in his shoulder blade and was promptly diagnosed as muscular .
19 On the other hand , on a different occasion she expressed feelings of depression and powerlessness in the face of professional opinion , conceding that she might allow him to go to residential school if it could be shown that it was in his best interests .
20 It was in his name that taxes were collected , the law enforced , war waged and treaties signed .
21 It was in his opinion a piece of architectural magic , suspended twenty feet above sea level .
22 Pogo never refused any request she made if it was in his power to satisfy her .
23 He had moreover made himself disagreeable to many contemporary naturalists , and his posthumous reputation has been well below what it was in his earlier life , when he was seen as the British Cuvier .
24 In fact , it was in his interests that the old man stayed alive . ’
25 It was in his interests that his father should live at least until the seven years were up . ’
26 And as long as Charlie had no particular desire to lie flat and be fed through a tube , it was in his interests to see that these were watertight .
27 Aristotle knows of a time in which the constitution of Massalia had been even more oligarchic than it was in his time ( Pol .
28 Maxim had a tie with him , but at the moment it was in his pocket .
29 He came one day softly to see Cley , to discuss with him whether to ban , as it was in his power to do , a new play entitled Forgotten Robe , Abyss , Glitter .
30 But he was a proper But it was in his back yard , he was killing it and hanging it up in the window there .
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