Example sentences of "it was good for " in BNC.

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1 It was better for both of them that she should .
2 When the headmaster telephoned the boy 's father , he was told by that unusually permissive parent that , if the teachers could not hold his son 's attention , it was better for the boy to educate himself at home .
3 Herbert had at first been reluctant to believe that it was better for John to study dance in Cape Town than to return to high school in Johannesburg .
4 Her guides would have lemon squash because it was better for them and less expensive .
5 The parents decided it was better for the child to be taken away . ’
6 Harriet Tremayne , her mother , had been strongly against this , but Tom , her husband , a charming , indolent and indulgent man , had argued , with a certain degree of logic , that ‘ the girl had to do some kind of war work ’ and that it was better for her ‘ to do something she had set her heart on ’ .
7 On each of her periods at Hillmarden he had still clung to the faint hope that she was improving , only to find at the end of a week or a fortnight she had made no progress at all and that when Harry — good baby that he was — occasionally cried , this was enough to make Celia so distraught that Brian was forced to accept that it was better for all concerned if mother and baby remained parted .
8 That he was not abstracting water but merely utilizing it and returning to the river the same amount in improved condition , because contact with the turbine had aerated it , and it was better for the fish .
9 It was better for you not to come .
10 But I said it was better for him if he did n't go back . ’
11 She also felt somewhat pleased , feeling that it was better for Mrs Aggie to concentrate her collecting efforts in the nicer part of the town .
12 It was better for me 'ealth down 'ere , ’ said Dolly , the bedroom getting smaller as more of the family spilled in .
13 ‘ Usually , south of the Trent it was better for batting .
14 It was better for capitalism that offenders should be incarcerated and set to productive work ( whose profits would , naturally , be pocketed by the capitalist class in the usual manner ) .
15 ( 2 ) ( a ) The justices were under a duty to consider whether it was better for the child for a secure accommodation order to be made rather than no order at all being made upon the application ( in accordance with section 1(5) of the Children Act 1989 ) .
16 ‘ The justices were under a duty to consider whether it was better for the child for a secure accommodation order to be made rather than no order at all being made upon the application in accordance with section 1(5) of the Children Act .
17 Her mother thought it was better for her not to be at home as there was not much space , so the following week they saw the social worker and it was arranged that she go to a house run by the Catholic anti-abortion organisation LIFE .
18 She said she had held the document back for so long because she was afraid it would re-open old wounds for my mother and because she felt sure it was better for us not to know what it contained . ’
19 Eileen 's commanding officer took them to a room and gave them tea , and tried to explain to them that it was better for her to remain .
20 He drove them to the station and they returned , sad for their sister and still not convinced that it was better for her not to come home .
21 He reckoned that it was better for the new Iranian prime minister , Shapour Bakhtiar , that the Shah stayed in Muslim country and he thought that Hasans influence would help " keep Khomeini under control "
22 It 's not my family you know , ’ because it was better for her to stop .
23 ‘ That 's why I thought it was better for John to go to Barnsley where youngsters are given a chance .
24 So it was better for me if I was able to pay .
25 It was better for him really .
26 The Presbyterian , Daniel Williams , persuaded a meeting of London Dissenting ministers not to present an address of thanks to the King for the Indulgence , and argued that " it was better for them to be reduced to their former hardships , than declare for measures destructive of the liberties of their country " .
27 It was good for those who were determined to give up — and a couple of people did .
28 When I spoke to some of these women alone much later I asked them why Asian women often reacted like this ; their answers were that it was good for a man 's Izzat .
29 It found that four out of five publicans and restaurateurs in the survey agreed it was good for business , and four out of five managers said recorded music made customers stay longer .
30 In 1670 , Richard Baxter 's book , ‘ The Cure of Church Divisions ’ was published in which he argued that it was good for Christians to continue to worship in parish churches despite the bitter hostility against Nonconformists .
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