Example sentences of "it in [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Essentially the method is to make it in stages in accordance with the diagrams .
2 They 're not doing it on their own , they 're doing it in groups of three on each experiment — three people will be arguing , working together on one experiment .
3 Everyone gets it in spades in director Robert Altman 's wicked satire The Player ( Guild , 15 , out now ) .
4 The fourth trip to Taï proved the most successful , though it was too late to include the footage from it in Trials of Life .
5 It has signed a three-book contract and is so bullish that I 've included it in Ones to Watch even though I have not even had one chapter .
6 By Friday morning the brown satin dress was ready to be fitted , its rare , coppery sheen catching even the perpetual sooty twilight of St Jude 's as Cara folded it in layers of clean muslin and stowed it carefully away in her bag .
7 An accompanying central government preoccupation about local government in this period was the fact that it was becoming an increasing spender ( not surprisingly , in the light of central government 's expectations of it in areas like education , personal social services and housing ) .
8 I bought it in instalments from a man in the village ; it was a wonderful Art Deco radio which proved indestructible .
9 ‘ We used it for shirting in 1992 and we 're using it in blends with linen for suitings for spring 1993 . ’
10 On March 22 , after an emotional debate , the Idaho state legislature passed legislation to prohibit abortion as a form of birth control , although continued to allow it in cases of profound foetal abnormality , maternal risk , and in some cases of rape and incest .
11 That highly educated people who question every other kind of authority are often obsessed with it in matters of language is a constant source of wonder to me , and also of concern .
12 While reducing head teachers ' autonomy in curricular matters , the 1988 Act increases it in matters of financial management .
13 Kermode has set out his reasons for refusing it in Essays on Fiction , and Lodge has remarked , ‘ To open a book or article by …
14 One such scheme would mix the plutonium with nasty but useless nuclear waste and seal it in blocks of glass .
15 Jot will be supported in Go 's PenPoint operating system by year-end , and Microsoft will implement it in Windows for Pen , while General Magic will make it part of Telescript , its cross-system communications standard .
16 If an insect blunders into it the owner will rush out , deliver a swift poisoned bite to her victim and then wrap it in bonds of yet a different silk and carry it away for consumption at leisure .
17 A useful tip is to exclude all light completely from the tubing by wrapping it in strips of black bin liner , thereby depriving algae of all light so , in theory , they should not form at all .
18 As Marx remarked , even when we make our own history , we do not make it in conditions of our own choosing and much of it is made behind our backs .
19 If he had written it in letters of fire he could n't have made it plainer .
20 We did that and we counted it in bunches of five dozens , tied them up with two other stock socks tied together , and when we 'd done , I 'll know this figure 's right two thousand four hundred socks we got six pence .
21 Better bury gold in the embankments , than put it in ornaments on the stations .
22 Rufus had never seen anyone do that before , though he had seen it in pictures on seaside postcards .
23 jelly is supposed to be like ah , you see it in cartoons like
24 If , like many of us , you ca n't lay hand son the exact title and date of publication DO NOT be deterred but add contextualising detail of the kind which will help librarians as well as researchers to locate the item eg , size ( in a great fat book ) ; colour ( bluey-green cover with photos … ) ; age ( quite old now I suppose , have n't seen it in bookshops for ages … ) .
25 So a comma we use it in lists of things .
26 How could she and Bob even put it in words to each other ?
27 ‘ To put it in words of one syllable , ’ he said , each word encased in ice , ‘ we are a man and a woman shut up together alone in a house , separated from all other humans by a stretch of Atlantic .
28 Yes but they do n't put it in words like you put , they put it in blooming complicated language , but tell lies .
29 When the carrots are tender , allow the soup to cool slightly , then purée it in batches in a blender or food processor .
30 So th the case you 're putting that the that the pensioner trustee er ship is more powerful than you originally put cos until now you 've been put it in grounds of i the trust should be repre representative of it
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