Example sentences of "it in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The break with this structure of belonging can be announced only through a certain organisation , a certain strategic arrangement which , within the field of metaphysical opposition , uses the strengths of the field to turn its own stratagems against it , producing a force of dislocation that spreads itself throughout the entire system , fissuring it in every direction and thoroughly delimiting it .
2 The big challenge that BT faces in the future though , is to turn ISDN into a mass-market technology by installing it in every home by default .
3 The open road was all he knew ; he had spent forty of his fifty-five years tramping it in every kind of weather with only the fill of his pipe for company .
4 And Carl was right ; there was a photo of it in every newspaper in the world the next day .
5 I know what my heartbeat is : I feel it in every part of me .
6 But what exactly is it , and what relevance has it in every day terms ?
7 I had already read the book but the film matched up to it in every way , ’ he said .
8 We wish CCW every success with the scheme and will be pleased to help promote it in every way possible .
9 She felt it in every touch of his hand as he helped her over hazards .
10 But it is one thing to have sufficient understanding in coming to believe and another to have it in every area of continuing to believe .
11 ‘ Even at school there were players more skilful than me , but I was the one who really wanted to do it in every game .
12 The instrument more than justifies your lavish praise and I am delighted with it in every respect .
13 We do it in every realm of life , but it can be more clearly seen when it happens in community groups of one kind or another .
14 The humans below tried shining coloured lights at it , and playing tunes at it , and eventually just speaking to it in every language known to humans .
15 I had purposely left it unwashed , stuffing it in a suitcase because I might need to spread it out on my bridegroom 's bed in the dark of night .
16 In the office if you have to leave your handbag , lock it in a drawer when you go out .
17 He might have had it for some long time , I do n't know , but I came across it in a drawer in the small bedroom when I was putting his clean linen away .
18 I cherished that dolly , kept on altering the face with new stitching from time to time and I still have it in a drawer somewhere .
19 Rather , she must have inherited it or bought it at a jumble sale for the sake of something to cover herself as a rest from her everlasting black or perhaps ( most likely ) found it in a drawer of her newly married bedroom , chosen for her by Uncle Philip as suitable for his wife to wear on Sundays .
20 Melissa rewrapped the tissue and put it in a drawer .
21 ‘ And you say she kept it in a drawer ? ’
22 Perhaps Jamie dropped it on a visit to Puddephat 's rooms , and Puddephat put it in a drawer until he saw him again .
23 The receptionist took my money and locked it in a drawer of the desk , then stood up .
24 My reaction — rather cowardly — was to shove it in a drawer and try to forget it .
25 IF I WAS GOING TO take money from the public for the privilege of sampling my cooking , I would do it in a pub .
26 ‘ I left it in a pub .
27 The accused who appropriates a grouse hidden by a poacher to be collected later will be guilty of theft ( provided the other elements exist ) , even though he does not intend to sell it in a pub .
28 We made it in a smother of white water close inshore towards Buckie .
29 It does prevent us from daring to say that a subject becomes part of education because you teach it in a school , or at a CAT or in a university .
30 So Angela did n't want to get involved — she did n't need the capital , after all — and she said to me she might do it in a year or so when Miss Huntley had calmed down . ’
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