Example sentences of "it and [vb base] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Shildon said that a superior drinks carton had been invented and the MacQuillans faced the choice of buying the invention or seeing a competitor develop it and steal their market .
2 on finding yourself at the wrong lane at a junction should you A stay in it and miss your road , B and wait until you can change or C signal and move over quickly ?
3 stay in it and miss your r yeah you , look , if you 've done something you stay with it .
4 Let them get on with it and use their capabilities to the full .
5 yeah , makes you I ca n't see what 's good its doing twenty years afterwards , the people had time to think about it and use their memories for twenty years , nineteen seventy-two it happened and they 've just sort of done it .
6 ‘ But he who is in quest of picturesque scenery of the Lake ( Derwent ) must travel along the rough side screens that adorn it and catch its beauties as they arise in smaller portions , its little bays , and winding shores … its deep recesses , and hanging promontories , its garnished rocks and distant mountains . ’
7 Now certain teachers can control it and keep their rooms clean and tidy .
8 ‘ I always felt , ’ she said , ‘ that life 's not worth living , that I could only contemplate little bits of it and keep my sanity ; and those bits I selected carefully — the sun on a breakfast-table , girls dressing , flowers … ’
9 It would seem reasonable them , that we , as the largest users who invest least , treat the landscape with respect , and those who own it and make their living from it with fairness .
10 May we turn our eyes towards this great sun , draw warmth and strength and comfort from it and receive its blessing .
11 Maybe people will look at the squad , see I 'm out of it and assume my best days are over .
12 " Taking a spouse for granted " — in which , perhaps , something of the same reason exists — was listed by 7 per cent in respect of women and 21 per cent in respect of men ; how many men , once their wife 's attentions are taken up by child-rearing , leave them to get on with it and follow their own devices ?
13 For greater support , the plinth in front of the patient may be lowered so that he can bend over it and rest his torso on it , with his head turned to his normal side , and his arms relaxed by his sides .
14 ’ Can you call-beam link with it and access its controls ? ’
15 ‘ Think about when you last had it and trace your steps back . ’
16 On Friday night about six o'clock I would ride my horse then I would brush ( groom ) it and clean my horse 's saddle and bridle .
17 If the new version of events is what they are now prepared to say on oath , you must accept it and reassess your case in the light of that knowledge .
18 All right , take your mum and double it and triple her age and all warts and hairs and everything and she goes hello
19 In general terms , the first chapter of the book manifests Nash 's intention to treat popfiction , " the art that easily diverts us " , with respect , and to defend it against those readers who scorn it and deny its merits .
20 If you go down to my secret chamber and look in one of the coffers you will find a crushed flower , a faded rose , more black than yellow now , but if I smell it and close my eyes ( like I did last night ) , then I am back again in Ralemberg 's garden and my blood runs free and the air is filled with the sweet fragrance of flowers .
21 If you were in a bad accident or been into the slums with lice and things , you had to report it and bring your uniform in .
22 No , you just have to sign it and take your receipt .
23 The game can be played in a more limited form in the little bowl-type individual urinals which are more fashionable these days , but Jamie has never tried this himself , being so short that if he is to use one of those he has to stand about a metre back from it and lob his waste water in .
24 Cut-out invitations If your party has a theme , design a card to represent it and get your child to colour it in and cut it out .
25 you can leave it and get your mum to tell me later that you do n't want any more .
26 The received wisdom in North Down is that Mr Kilfedder will shade it and begin his 23rd year as MP for the constituency .
27 In all its forms , its object is to raise man above himself and to make him lead a life superior to that which he would lead , if he followed only his own individual whims : beliefs express this life in representations ; rites organize it and regulate its working .
28 Identify a selection of cutlery distributors , send them one of your pieces of cutlery and ask them to match it and send their sample and yours back .
29 perhaps he had undone the knot and looked inside or perhaps he had done no more than lift it and feel its weight .
30 It was therefore thought important to publicise again the condition and at the same time characterise it and discover its natural history using a larger number of cases .
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