Example sentences of "it will [be] my " in BNC.

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1 It will be my turn to get them in , I think .
2 If I can be serious enough , I hope to find satisfaction in the Church of England : it will be my fault if I do n't .
3 ‘ All I can say though is that whatever happens it will be my decision , ’ she said , revealing the determination and single-mindedness that was later to be turned against her .
4 ‘ I hope it will be my third time lucky , ’ said Bruno in a reference to his unsuccessful world title challenges against Tim Witherspoon and Mike Tyson .
5 Because it will be my definitive work .
6 Of course , Miss Kenton can not hope by returning at this stage ever to retrieve those lost years , and it will be my first duty to impress this upon her when we meet .
7 I 've really been looking forward to flying — it will be my first time on a plane . ’
8 He gives Sting away at III , 204 , keeping an orc-blade but saying ‘ I do not think it will be my part to strike any blow again . ’
9 ‘ When I am back in London to perform the Sibelius with the Philharmonia , it will be my fifth Sibelius there .
10 As secretary of the Federation , it will be my duty to report the facts to its Central Council and I shall , advise them that it will be their duty to issue an order to all Seamen 's unions throughout the world and the dockers and other transport workers that they must refuse to recognise the members of any local union of seamen which may be established at the Port of Southampton or elsewhere .
11 It will be my own , the photography , she thought .
12 I hope it will be my privilege to buy you a drink as well .
13 ‘ You introduced me to Paris and it will be my turn to introduce you to England — not that I know very much about London .
14 Although it will be my first mortgage , my girlfriend already has one of £50,000 for which she has an endowment up and running to cover that amount .
15 It will be my life . ’
16 ‘ Then it will be my turn to look after you , ’ Alex said .
17 It will be my fault if he dies !
18 No one ever asked me to do so — though everyone has since assumed that , for all eternity , it will be my round of drinks . )
19 It will be my pleasure . ’
20 When I am on the Government side of the House it will be my turn to answer questions .
21 Throughout it will be my intention to provide a detailed map and theoretical analysis of the external challenges to democracy in order to lay basis for re-thinking the meaning of democracy in the face of global developments
22 It will be my task to see that we employ a reliable sort of woman . ’
23 In any case it will be my business to show it here .
24 Certainly , it will be my case that the political culture has neither declined nor been threatened to the extent suggested by Beer and other Jeremiahs .
25 It will be my pleasure , ’ he assured her , and at once left her to order a taxi .
26 It will be my pleasure , Brother .
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