Example sentences of "it will [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 It will make up for the thirty-five minutes you were late . ’
2 It will make up for the dismal showing of the England football and cricket teams , lift some of the sporting gloom .
3 But MDHC is optimistic it will make up the lost revenue by increased levels of freight .
4 Unless they do something it will hold up economic recovery . ’
5 Apple reportedly hopes to offer the machine at approximately Macintosh LC II prices , but it will deliver up to 30 times the LC II 's performance when running software written for the new RISC CPU 's native mode .
6 A third generation 300MHz part called EV6 is set for 1996 : it will integrate up to 30m transistors and reach 600 SPECmarks89 .
7 They 're also looking at some of the data integrity erm issues one of which is potentially quite a major problem and the new system will for any qualifying plans , once the new system is in , if a policy 's in arrears it will try and collect the arrears and it will collect up to a maximum of two premiums each month until the policy 's in force and up to date .
8 It will offer up to £100,000 in support to Fife companies with ideas that are considered to have a good chance of success but lack resources needed to develop their products .
9 Water temperature : A range of 74°–76°F is recommended , though it will tolerate up to 80°F .
10 Over twenty years that same feature has become apparent to me , so that I can say confidently that one feature of a perfect trotting swim is that it will shallow up gradually downstream .
11 By marginal he means that he does n't know whether it will clear up or become irretrievably hopeless .
12 But it can be helped by giving an injection and it will clear up of its own accord eventually .
13 Share your thought with the class — if , ha ha , it will bear up to the glaring light of day .
14 Earlier on this week all that cloud was coming in from the north-west , now you can see it coming across from the west and as the weekend goes along , it will come in more from the south-west , so it will warm up a little bit .
15 The government says it will break up state monopolies , liberalise prices , set up an independent central bank and introduce a single rouble exchange rate .
16 The process constitutes a national threat because it will break up the United Kingdom .
17 Therefore it seems to me that the communist party really has to disappear , it 's a good thing that it 's own general secretary has disbanded it , I anticipate that it will break up into a number of political parties , perhaps one kind of social democratic party on the left and another , if you like a kind of Russian unionist party , on the right , erm , but as the communist party it 's simply incompatible with the emergence of democracy in the Soviet Union .
18 It will attract up to 800 delegates from Britain and abroad .
19 It is this extra sum which the estate is using as a stick against the BMC , in the hope that it will stump up the cash as the estate can not afford to invest this much in climbing .
20 Occasionally it will handle up to 500,000 tons per annum but in general loads around 200,000 tons per annum mainly for Scandinavian receivers .
21 IF YOU hold a dishcloth , a towel or a capillary tube with its lower end just touching a container of water it will draw up water until an equilibrium is reached .
22 It will draw up these plans in the light of national policies and local priorities and resources .
23 If you are holding it too tightly it will draw up the knitting which will become very tight and solid .
24 If there is still some latent state it will flare up after a dose in the centesimal potency .
25 It will bob up and down at a higher rate .
26 It will link up with other services already given in the local community and in Aintree Hospitals , such as Jospice , the Continuing Care Sisters and the Pain Relief Clinic .
27 There is no compulsive power in this amendment , nor will supporting legislation contain any obligation on those who do not wish to do so to use the mechanism it will set up .
28 ‘ If the power of the atom is released ’ he had said , ‘ it will set up a chain reaction that will not stop until the end of the world . ’
29 it will cost up to twenty million pounds to repair the destruction .
30 When a crack appears in a strained material it will open up a little so that the two faces of the crack are separated .
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