Example sentences of "it would give [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It would give great pleasure , signora , if you would allow me . ’
2 This year , the second on from the Festival is still proving to be a bumper one for individual membership ; we are now well in to the 900 's and it would give great satisfaction and joy to all if the magic figures ‘ 1000 ’ could appear in the membership book lovingly kept by the Treasurer and Secretary .
3 One danger in giving such an opportunity might be that it would give greater scope for industrial policy ( ‘ European champions ’ ) proponents , not least within the European Commission : however , that is not a reason for preventing DGIV from considering the point in a particular case , however sceptically .
4 The original reasons for seeking a Royal Charter remain : it would give greater status to the Association , its members and indeed the whole industry ; we would enjoy the endorsement by the Privy Council to our qualifications for membership ; recognition by the Privy Council would add weight to the Association 's opinion on issues when lobbying Government or debating with others ; our members would have the Privy Council 's endorsement of being true professionals with the opportunityfor a Corporate member to be called a Chartered Hotelier or a Chartered Caterer .
5 The government said that it would consider lifting the state of emergency still in force in Natal , and that it would give immediate consideration to repealing the Internal Security Act .
6 It would give legal force to these Advance Directives .
7 If the Consortium eventually wins the case it would give other embattled communities and planning authorities fresh confidence to challenge outstanding IDO claims , rather than compromise .
8 The ANC was strongly opposed to such a meeting on the grounds that it would give undeserved legitimacy to Buthelezi by treating him as a leader of equivalent standing .
9 Mind you with the site as it is I would imagine it would give most usage on that .
10 If all this fused … it would give 2 million calories ( of heat ) per gram .
11 It would give designated emergency crews the chance to achieve pay parity with firemen .
12 It would give designated emergency crews the chance to achieve pay parity with firemen .
13 It would give designated emergency crews the chance to achieve their goal of pay parity with firefighters .
14 It would give designated emergency crews the chance to achieve their goal of pay parity with firefighters .
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