Example sentences of "it 's [vb pp] and " in BNC.

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1 That is , it lives from the time it 's conceived and created , for some fifty or sixty years , it varies , and then the work dies .
2 It 's isolated and little used , but conveniently near to allied headquarters .
3 Well , the best thing about the course is , I think , that you get an all-round view of how it 's arranged and the time aspect of the information flow — that it takes a long time for information to reach the books and compendia etc .
4 Recent productions like Ian McNamara 's Letter to Allan Border and Mike Brady 's The Game is Not the Same Without McGilvray slot alongside the revived Our Don Bradman and Our Eleven ( 1930 ) , both sung by Art Leonard , and Bradman 's How It 's Done and ( piano solo ) Our Bungalow of Dreams , components of the precious old 78rpm of 1930 , of which so few copies survive .
5 It 's done and I hope he likes it , ’ Finlayson told the adjutant .
6 She talks to him , anxiously tilting her face upwards so it 's exposed and openly imploring , a look designed to tap compassion .
7 It 's expired and she never remembers .
8 Yes indeed , I mean many argue that in fact a law was n't required , and that the common law , as it 's developed and grown and , for example , in the Quinlan case , says that the withdrawal of treatment , the withholding of consent to treatment , is entirely lawful ; and some might argue that , by giving a law like this , which is rather narrowly drawn , you 've taken away a lot ; in other words , a doctor will feel , this I can do , but the other I ca n't do .
9 I would but it 's locked and we ca n't find the key …
10 ‘ Yes , I 'm afraid it 's locked and Francis had the key . ’
11 It 's all very clear and it 's supported and led by a very strong musical energy — I do n't mean necessarily me , I 'm talking about Mussorgsky 's phenomenal score . ’
12 ‘ That 's not what it 's called and the message has nothing to do with — that . ’
13 Now in the old we had er quite a reasonable scheme on this actual erm but you see , about ten years ago I think it was , there was another estate built on to , it 's called and although at that time we made the strongest possible representation for improvements and traffic calming in which is the only road that goes in and nothing was done .
14 I Lone Wolf it 's called and it 's all about
15 She said I ca n't promise you , so I thought well I 'm sat six months now , so I phoned this ship thing yesterday on the telly called Just Start , no Start Again whatever it 's called and they gave me , they phoned me yesterday and they gave me a number of Cine Hill , Northampton which is the job advisory centre , adults education and then they phoned me yesterday and they told me who to get in touch with so I 've got an appointment Thursday at erm Northampton with the Social Services Department and they apparently map out all the places where you could go , say , say for instance that St Crispin 's is the mental home I can go there and be with the patients and then I can go to the Marina 's and be taught how to lift and how to bed bath and how to manipulate
16 and then I 've put project what it 's called and then I 've put what kind of project it is what type
17 No , Inner Space it 's called and it 's like a , a
18 ding dong dong or whatever it 's called and that is .
19 But the roller is terribly stiff , as if it 's blocked and needs force to work . ’
20 It 'll be judged by how well it 's written and what people think of it .
21 ‘ Yeah , they send me the stuff before it 's published and I try to proof read it as well as I can .
22 The colour detail has been achieved by immersing the cane in a colour bath before it 's woven and plaited into stunning and practical furniture .
23 No , it 's permed and is prone to being dry and frizzy so I have to use a lot of conditioner on it .
24 It 's really out of condition at the moment because it 's permed and highlighted and when I 'm filming it gets sprayed to death so it just gets even dryer .
25 Now it 's cramped and outdated .
26 The seats are excellent too , with support where it 's needed and basically good driving position , adjustable for height .
27 It 's enlarged and if it ruptures his life is at risk .
28 It 's owned and run by Oxfordshire County Council , which is building another much bigger landfill alongside it intended to take twelve year 's worth of south Oxfordshire 's waste .
29 Strike a compromise by washing the bit every time it 's used and making sure that numnahs and girth are always clean ; be wary of using biological washing powder for horse equipment and clothing , as some animals are allergic to it .
30 It 's how it 's used and what people do to get it that can offend our values .
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