Example sentences of "it 's [unc] i " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , it 's si I know it 's north
2 Oh yes it 's ver I mean the priest , it says it has the British Embassy , he has , he is an American serviceman and he actually has
3 You know I mean you er er it 's al I , I think the same would happen if you put a five note in inside it would get thrown out with the rubbish but erm the thing is that obviously some , some early day , if one can say in inverted commas early day publicity erm from the Northumberland side of things could a and I mean my view when , when Ros was telling me what happened at the last meeting erm was that was gon na be acting as an icebreaker as opposed waiting till the last minute somebody 's gon na and they think erm as it were , a and build up from , from that because there 's obviously gon na be one or two other things coming directly from national level .
4 I do n't know whether it 's er me or whether it 's er
5 Now this is er a lorry , end it 's er I think it 's a Frenchman .
6 The only colour 's the blue you know but it 's er I always make so noise with anybody 's paper .
7 I think it 's , I think it 's er I 'm just getting old , it does n't happen .
8 later than that , it 's er I mean to go to the crematorium at quarter past eleven , we would n't be back here before twelve o'clock .
9 Erm I had a phone call just before I came out , area area party , so this 'll come It 's about actually in the ward which we narrowly missed getting last time just by erm not even a very strong The by election is on September twenty third and we want leafleters this weekend , so if anybody is able to go on leafleting , which is right between It 's er I 've got the phone number for Forgot the surname but she works with Bob , so if you ring up and say this Is that Linda who works with Bob .
10 It 's er I stayed up like , aha , in Street at the time you know .
11 Well it 's er I 've
12 It 's gone like a dream , it 's er I 've had no major problems with it at all .
13 Erm and if it 's not it 's er I 'm not going to deny the fact that some people say you know this has been good for me for the last eighteen months erm I 'm er I 'm used to being self employed I 'm going to stay that way but I 'm looking at other avenues .
14 you imply that it 's er I mean quite easily
15 It 's er I 'll just , I 'll just get my little book out and I 'll tell you what it is .
16 I think it 's er I think for the Summer not for the Winter .
17 No it 's er I 'm taping all my conversations I have with everybody for a week .
18 Well it 's er I mean look at me now , I 'm , I 'm oh I can walk in to Fram
19 I think it 's er I think it 'll look nice there .
20 Oh no but no course it i i it 's er I I Mr discipline .
21 there is something seriously , seriously queer you know maybe it 's a brain tumour , you know , maybe it 's er I 'm going potty , maybe it 's all sorts of things , and fortunately I er I s I went to the vet and erm two weeks before he retired but you know he , he was full of experience , that 's really what I 'm saying , he would n't be retiring otherwise
22 I could do but it 's er I did n't want to I 'm choosing when I wear it and when I do n't .
23 Yeah Pauline has one that , they 've made something soft ma it 's , well it 's er I do n't know
24 I 'll get that I like it so it 's er I did n't
25 Yeah it 's er I take the car back half term , if , you know , I do n't mind driving it down there , but the thing is how am I gon na get back if I drive it down , it 's gon na cost me forty pound fifty
26 Oh no it 's er I 'm afraid .
27 It 's er I mean it 's the only thing to do is n't it ?
28 Er it 's er I do n't I microwave goes on the the
29 and it 's erm I do n't
30 It 's erm I 've got I mean I 've got a job for the first six weeks already set up with
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