Example sentences of "it had not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Every muscle in his body had ached as if stretched to its limit , but it had not made a scrap of difference to his height .
2 Although the company had already agreed to continue paying existing pensioners , it had not made any commitment for past and present employees retiring now and in the future .
3 When after a moment it had not moved , I resorted to the car horn , but this had no effect other than to make the creature commence pecking at something on the ground .
4 It had been a mere moment of whiteness seen out of the corner of her eye but it had not moved purposefully like a horse does with a rider .
5 It had not turned out like that .
6 Although the corporation had power to cut off the water supply in the event of non-payment of rates it had not threatened to do so .
7 Soviet spokesmen could argue that although the USSR had for decades proselytised the notion of a national liberation or solidarity ‘ front ’ of Third World states , aligned at least politically to the Soviet bloc , it had not created regional groupings or coalitions of states militarily tied to the USSR or the Warsaw Pact and it had supported the opposition of the non-aligned states to military blocs .
8 It had not stopped , even for a second , over the two days .
9 It had not stopped there .
10 Yet the photographs proved it had not stopped her pursuing her curiosity to Oxford .
11 Denying it had not stopped it from growing .
12 Trying to run from it had not stopped it , either .
13 In addition , Lord Meston submits that the court also had ‘ rights of custody ’ in the context of the Convention , because it had made orders in the course of the cross-motions before it which indicated that it was seized of the matter and that it had not determined either the father 's or the mother 's substantive applications and had adjourned the hearing of the mother 's substantive application for custody and for leave to remove the child from the jurisdiction until a date in August .
14 Councillor Robert Lee , of West Lothian , said he was certain that , when the Government brought in the right-to-buy scheme , it had not intended that people should be able to buy , with discount , more than once .
15 The Russian invasion of Hungary made Nicholas look like a firebrand , but it had not involved him in taking many risks .
16 The laughter had been absent for a while , but it had not withdrawn far from him , the marks of its permanent habitation were still there .
17 Sunlight reflected from a window among the palm trees to lance a sliver of dazzling light at our cockpit , then the reflection was gone and we were at sea level , engines screaming , and I fumbled for the camera , prayed it had not broken when it fell from the ceiling , and took another picture just before Maggot lifted the aircraft 's nose so that we swooped up and over the palm trees that edged the beach .
18 It had not obtained assessments for schemes when it should have .
19 Hence , the horse may spend the day avoiding mature people , and then find to its surprise that it has been caught by a child-foal that it had not perceived as possessing such ability .
20 It had not eased her embarrassment .
21 It had not rained for a week and the white dust of the road started to dull the shine of all the shoes .
22 Despite the threat in the sky , it had not rained .
23 It had not rained for months .
24 After all , before he had proposed , she had not seen so very much of Havvie , and she had been so flattered that it had not struck her how banal his conversation was , and how limited .
25 It had not struck him until now that this was an inadequate hiding place .
26 It was not a ‘ true ’ style because it had not developed within an era to meet a genuine need ; it was merely copying the dead and it ‘ degrades architecture from its high position of a quasi-natural production to that of a mere imitative art ’ , a criticism often levied by professional architects against the wishes of the man in the street .
27 This opinion required that the other party to the Mandate agreement , South Africa , accept supervision by a body to which it had not consented and which was not even in existence at the time of the agreement .
28 It had an EOP policy that it had not implemented and a proportionally higher percentage of men in ‘ leadership ’ positions .
29 It was admitted that while the IIRS had prepared a report on the factory itself , it had not surveyed and reported on the Knockanemore dump site as it had not been commissioned to do so by either the IDA or Cork County Council .
30 They were rather pleased with themselves for saying this , because it was something the Gruagach would find quite flattering and , also , it had not referred to the Wolfkings , which would have been extremely discourteous , not to say disastrous .
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