Example sentences of "it not [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 Is it not shameful that Britain should opt out in that way ?
2 Is it not extraordinary that the Leader of the Opposition is incapable of understanding that we might frequently find that monetary and interest rate policies were wholly inappropriate to the requirements of this country if we join a single European currency ?
3 Is it not astonishing that the Secretary of State , having made a decision on 15 Para , can not or will not answer the pertinent points put to him by my hon. Friend the Member for Glasgow , Hillhead ( Mr. Galloway ) and the hon. Member for Glasgow , Govan ( Mr. Sillars ) ?
4 Is it not ironic that this great technical achievement in the field of road transport was developed and first made practical by ‘ Wolverton Railway Works ’ ?
5 Is it not ironic that Australia won the final playing in exactly the same style that England were so slated for — to win !
6 Is it not ironic that the Government are introducing the Bill at a time when virtually all the political parties — parties which rarely find common ground , as we have tragically and sadly witnessed over the years — see eye to eye in opposing the scheme ?
7 Is it not ironic that the company executive driving the Jaguar which I overtake in every traffic jam , is being subsidised by the government to produce the fumes which are damaging the health of every individual , cyclists , pedestrians , motorists themselves , not to mention the ecological damage ?
8 Is it not sad that no Cleveland Conservative has been able to come and represent the children of Cleveland today , and that that task has had to be left to a Conservative from Ealing ?
9 Again , we welcome that , but is it not sad that it comes 12 years after this Government were elected and after not just one but two Secretaries of State since I have been a Member of Parliament have been influenced because of criticism of tobacco advertising and irresponsible elements in the tobacco industry ?
10 Is it not surprising that after several years of unremitting devolutionist propaganda from the Scottish Constitutional Convention , support for devolution is almost at an all-time low , according to the opinion polls ?
11 Is it not strange that , while foreign companies invest in this country , British companies which are aware of the position here have invested £40 billion more overseas than the foreigners have invested here ?
12 If this is so , is it not strange that already 2% of physicians carrying out LAWER did not consult anyone ?
13 Is it not possible that these few exceptional individuals are , in fact , the normal ones and the rest of us have somewhere deviated from this path of health ?
14 Is it not possible that French influence can be made to be felt once more ?
15 But all literary conventions have their origin in life ; is it not possible that the wild men were psychotics driven out of towns and settlements by a society unable to cope with them ?
16 Now , is it not possible that it is this rule which is the explanation of our referring to the feelings produced in our bodies by prolonged contact with hot or cold objects , as ‘ hot ’ and ‘ cold ’ ?
17 Is it not possible that we apprehend them as feelings of hotness and coldness because the feelings are usually of one sort when our bodies are hot , and of another sort when our bodies are cold ?
18 ‘ Is it not possible that you are too much under the influence of Washington which is not even the New York atmosphere ? ’
19 The differences between them and their mainland cousins were only small , but if such changes had taken place , was it not possible that over many millions of years , the cumulative effects on a dynasty of animals could be so great that they could bring about major transformations ?
20 But was it not possible that Tutilo had believed just as sincerely ?
21 Is it not scandalous that ministerial offices and the House have televisions provided by the taxpayer , yet bedridden patients who want to watch television to help them to relax must pay ?
22 Question directly relating to that point though is it not true that the Eastern Arts withdrawal of the ten thousand pound grant last year was directly related to criticisms made in both in the nineteen eighty six appraisal and subsequently and repeated both to The Star recently what with was that the marketing of the playhouse was drastically inadequate .
23 Is it not true that giving 17-year-olds fines does not work and sending them to prison is counterproductive ?
24 Is it not true that Ministers would not accept such class sizes for their children in the private sector ?
25 Is it not true that too many people have phone bills that are too high ?
26 Is it not true that spending pledges such as those made by Labour politicians would mean that nothing would happen ?
27 Is it not true that the choice for the British people is between our party , which calls for lower taxes and greater spending by the people , and the Labour party , which wants to take people 's money and spend it itself ?
28 Is it not true that the Government want to divert that money to keep down the poll tax in Wandsworth and Westminster ?
29 The rest of the United Kingdom now seems to be beginning to move out of recession ; is it not true that Northern Ireland is about to move deeper into it ?
30 Is it not true that patients are refused access to services on financial grounds by GPs who are fund holders ?
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