Example sentences of "it [vb -s] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 When asked to clarify his intended future playing policy , he said : ‘ Have a look and see what the team does in Spain , see how it plays and then we 'll talk about it . ’
2 Of course , in theory , the mirror image rule makes printed forms matter since it encourages or even forces parties receiving documents to read them carefully .
3 goes into this other resistor here , where it goes and then it flows round again .
4 If the rest of it goes as well then there 's every chance I 'll be forming a permanent group .
5 If it goes as well as expected , decisions will have to be made this year on how best to scale up the operation and where to site the next expansion , he said .
6 The group is still looking for possible partners for its optronics operations , though it insists that so far there have only been talks , not negotiations .
7 The group is still looking for possible partners for its optronics operations , though it insists that so far there have only been talks , not negotiations .
8 The distance from the Earth to the spacecraft can be determined very accurately from the time interval between sending a radio signal to the spacecraft , which it receives and immediately acknowledges by sending a signal to the Earth with its own radio , and the receipt on the Earth of the acknowledgement .
9 It thinks that even the IFC , particularly in the area of privatisation , is not adventurous enough .
10 They use instinct and spontaneity and when they practise something , they do so for the enjoyment it produces and thus it becomes more of a game than a practice .
11 Firstly , on how far it flies and secondly on its aesthetic value .
12 For example an R & ID department can specify " the resources it needs and even the direction of its work .
13 ‘ Anti-statist ’ ideas of consumerism and individual citizen responsibility may be respectable enough , but government seems to have not much further to say — beyond a vaguely humanitarian appeal to the ‘ social market ’ : it develops as yet publicly no vision of coherent aims , no serious analysis of pressing social and economic issues , their territories and their boundaries , no perception of the system flexibility that could satisfy both ideology and the real national need for effective progress .
14 I would n't disagree with Mr in what he said about the more cuts we have the better it looks and so it stands to reason it 's a question of cost .
15 Er they were very fair er if I may bring in er this has nothing to do with my er well no it has as well .
16 It noted that most headteachers feel that IT has as yet made little impact on formal education .
17 To find out what is distinctive about the style of a certain corpus or text we work out the frequencies of the features it contains and then measure these figures against equivalent figures which are " normal " for the language in question.The style is then to be measured in terms of deviations — either higher frequencies or lower frequencies — from the norm .
18 However , I do n't think it blends that well with the body shape : maybe a reverse idea would have suited better — or even , dare I say it , a rounded-off affair .
19 This cadaver will call for more extensive ‘ treatment ’ by the embalmer , due partly to the delay it causes and partly because what is perceived by him to be often unwarranted mutilation .
20 It warns that over 40 species of native flowers may be at risk , including such common examples as daffodils , bluebells and snowdrops .
21 It warns that ever more land will be needed for crop production , while the land surface is shrinking as a result of rising sea levels caused by global warming .
22 And right just there it hurts as well .
23 Okay now she 's off really quickly on a reach but she 's oversheeted , she 's got too much power there , she 's sheeting the sail in instead of easing it out until it flaps and then just pulling it in a little .
24 It happens that only the last of these verb phrases is standard English .
25 Erm it 's a difficult balance , change is very rarely popular and quite often it 's only ever talked about but sometimes it happens and even then it 's not popular but a balanced and open mind is required to approach change but perhaps more important , and this is n't always mentioned , suggestions about change tend to come from rather specific areas and there are rather specific interest groups which may start the process of change
26 If we are to find the answer to the problem of what gives stretches of language unity and meaning , we must look beyond the formal rules operating within sentences , and consider the people who use language , and the world in which it happens as well .
27 Erm one wonders whether that 's erm wise in the long term because once you 've closed down a coal mine of course you ca n't er re-open it very easily because the roof falls in and it floods and effectively you have to start again from er from scratch .
28 In regard to the 5th ( 349 yards ) , it quotes that twice in one day the Sonning Professional , Abe Mitchell , carried the bushes ‘ a clear carry of 305 yards over an obstacle at the end of the carry averaging 5ft. in height .
29 Even DEC may find that it may need to hang on to its V.3.2-level Ultrix rather longer than it intended : it says that so far about 500 of the 3,000 Ultrix applications are being converted for OSF/1 , which does n't sound like unbounded enthusiasm on the part of the industry .
30 It says that about 98,000 young people go missing annually , sometimes only for a short period .
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