Example sentences of "it [is] not because " in BNC.

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1 It 's not because we could n't have done it .
2 It 's not because I have ambitions to say ‘ I 'm in charge ’ , ’ says the man who started work as a researcher on the Jimmy Young radio show .
3 It 's not because he 's Italian , she 's not a racist , she slices our legs off as well if we 're not careful .
4 But this time , all that is gone ; and it 's not because you have aged a lot , or changed .
5 It 's not because he is sick and tired of talking to people ( which would be understandable ) , it is because he is truly very , very shy .
6 So I hope you 'll understand that if I do n't include my subscription with this letter it 's not because I do n't support you and if I shop in Smiths it 's not because I want them to sell pornography .
7 So I hope you 'll understand that if I do n't include my subscription with this letter it 's not because I do n't support you and if I shop in Smiths it 's not because I want them to sell pornography .
8 If anyone rings and they do n't find me in , it 's not because I am at a wild party or something , it 's probably because I 'm shopping or walking my dog . ’
9 I 'm the highest paid driver today — it 's not because of my skin colour , my eyes , my hair or anything , it 's because it 's worth paying me the money .
10 ‘ He has left you a cottage in Devonshire , and he said : ‘ Tell her it 's not because she saved my life , but because she gave me a fourpenny cigar . ' ’
11 It 's not because I want applause , or paragraphs in the paper , or my name in coloured lights in Shaftesbury Avenue .
12 ‘ If the chairman keeps me , it 's not because he thinks I 'm a good chap or the world 's a nicer place when I 'm here .
13 I do n't really want to be seen as part of the team and it 's not because I do n't like them — they 're all nice people — it 's just that I do n't want to be The Word 's latest wanker .
14 Of course sometimes when it does n't work that depresses me because it 's not because it does n't work , it 's because of the constraints of the system that you can not make it work .
15 Erm well what I , what happens , I think that 's good , it 's act it 's not , it 's not inside because it 's encapsulated , it 's not inside because it 's held in there by the socket joint if I draw , draw you a picture , it 's not because the socket joint is so tight it ca n't fall out , is that what you 're saying to me ?
16 But if one no longer hears too much about the nostalgia movie , it 's not because the genre has disappeared , but because its visual tics and tropes have so infiltrated the cinema 's textures that no one now feels the need to make any specific allusion to it .
17 this is a good word because it well it 's not because of the associations but it stresses the femininity and that 's what a lot of the sixties feminists lost , I think was their own femininity because they saw it as man 's imposition
18 ‘ Jane , my darling , it 's not because she 's mad that I hate her .
19 But it 's not because I 'm ill , ’ she added , with a note of self-importance and pleasure that Caterina could not help noticing .
20 It 's not because of the explosion : it 's not delayed shock , or anything like that .
21 It 's not because we ca n't get anybody else , it 's because we want to involve you .
22 It appears that it 's not because of your wonderful reputation , it 's because you 're a woman . ’
23 It 's not because they 're communist , ’ he says .
24 It 's not because they ca n't have sex , it 's because they do n't want to .
25 It 's not because you 're loaded that I worry after you , ’ she shouted .
26 of the , the national average and it 's not because erm they 're paying high wages to get the , the most able people , it 's because there are mechanisms , institutional mechanisms that keep wages high , there 's no market in the jobs for , th these are generalizations but I think they are fairly , fairly true erm becau there is no market for er for the jobs , for civil service jobs that appointments are made and it is much more important who you know than , than what , what you know and the old boy network , as it 's called , in this country is fairly important in the English Civil Service but a similar sort of network tends to be far more important in developing countries , something that is euphemistically called patronage erm but we might call the old boy network or er er jobs for the boys whatever , but erm
27 It 's not because I 'm not with every bronchial breath
28 No , no it 's not because B T all over the country is n't it
29 When you get angry you pump all sorts of different chemicals around your body and they do n't do your body any good that 's for sure , you know you get the adrenalin that starts making everything well making the blood move faster heart beat faster you get other chemicals ready and if those chemicals are n't used properly or if something does n't happen and it uses those particular chemicals and they 're left inside the body then that causes eventually physical illness in some sort of physical wearing of some sort or another , so gradually just the opposite of this where you 're you 're not internalising your throwing it out , but there 's a hell of a lot in there that 's been stored up there and bottled up there before it throws out , and when you do tend to be aggressive it 's not because you 're being aggressive on purpose it 's because it 's just something that just happens and wells up when you get to a particular point and whoosh out it comes .
30 But , I have been a little concerned th th the the term , equal opportunities has n't been mentioned once today , and I would like a reassurance that it 's not because it 's year 's or the last decade 's issue .
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