Example sentences of "it [is] [not/n't] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Something 's happened on the Isle of Nu-Nu-Nursery , and it 's ter-terrib-b-ter-not very nice ! ’
2 But I think perhaps , that in a way that becomes the main point is that , although it 's called The Porch Way , I mean , you know that 's fair enough because you can see it is a porch , it 's not clearly defined we we 've got this sort of two pillars here , and a little bit of green , so they 're losing a bit of shape of the porch er and this becomes the sort of erm main er point of the picture .
3 Well it 's not either of those you 're looking for .
4 ‘ Well it 's not particularly well looked after , ’ he agrees , giving the Jag a rough old shake to illustrate his point .
5 Curiously for a shoe which trumpets the benefits of custom fit , it 's not particularly comfortable .
7 I find it boring , it 's not particularly useful — it 's very academic , more so than I would have expected it to be .
8 about this you are wasting your time , er then hopefully you if you are having a problem to come and see me and I can tell you if it is a problem or whether it 's not , it 's not particularly a problem , so you know , come along and see me
9 It 's not particularly warm Sam
10 Because it , it 's , it 's not particularly going to grab me because I 'm going to look at it and I 'm going to I 'm going to look down to see what it 's asking me do and certainly a busy news editor is looking down the line to see , and the first thing he 'll actually do is , is just have a , a very fast glance at it , find out what it 's about , and just make sure there 's someone who can be phoned , and what the news editor will do is actually throw it out into a pile of other handouts and there 's usually a journalist who 's , who 's who 's won first prize and their task for the day is to do all the handouts , and all you want to be sure of is that someone can make a phone call and the news editor wo n't , wo n't bother with any with any superfluous detail , all he 'd want to know is that somebody can be contacted , we 'll find out about it later .
11 Monetarily , I have n't any idea what it 's worth , er it 's not everybody 's cup of tea , it is a cockfighting chair and it 's not particularly beautiful but it 's very very interesting .
12 It 's not good keeping the prospectuses piled up in the office just in case a casual visitor asks for one , they need to be where people with young children regularly gather .
13 You think at first that you have no choice , that it 's not up to you to decide on things like boyfriends — he 's sexy or he 's ugly — that you can just forget it .
14 You see , it 's not up to the participants to come in the right mood .
15 As entertainment , though , it 's not up to much .
16 It 's not up to us to say what will happen .
17 It 's not up to a writer to say whether a book works or not , but the point is that you can have good ideas and write bad novels from them !
18 I 'm longing for kids but it 's not up to me .
19 want this , and it 's not up to a man to decide what happens .
20 It 's not up there , Maggie .
21 It 's not up to me to ask you what you think you 're up to , ’ her grandfather began , when they were once more alone together with Xanthe in the sitting room of their hotel suite .
22 It 's not up to Riley who comes and goes . ’
23 As my comrade from Scotland says John Prescott has done a good job here , but I have to say it 's not up against very much .
24 We give advice on suitable tenders , it 's not up to us to make sure that they 're enforced .
25 He does n't realize that it 's not up for sale .
26 Joanna glanced at Robert , saw his mouth tighten , then said quietly , ‘ If you ca n't guess , then it 's not up to me to tell you . ’
27 I said to her why did n't you say something and she said oh well it 's not up to me , it 's nothing to do with me and I said well , it 's more to do with you than
28 It 's not up there !
29 very patriotic to their country of well it 's not up there , but
30 Bernard , it 's not up there !
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