Example sentences of "it [vb past] never be " in BNC.

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1 Even Scouse 's latrine had disappeared as if it had never been there .
2 ‘ There was a transitional moment of delicious uneasiness and then — instantaneously — the long inhibition was over , the dry desert lay behind , I was off once more into the land of longing , my heart at once broken and exalted as it had never been since the old days at Bookham . ’
3 I had always found visiting my mother-in-law difficult ; it had never been an easy relationship .
4 It had never been my home .
5 Examination of the metal showed that it had always been in a clean condition with no evidence of corrosion , suggesting that it had never been buried .
6 It is therefore true to say that by the mid-1930s , the Labour Party was truly , as it had never been before , the party of the working class .
7 Unlike the laws of menstruation and childbirth , it had never been as intimately linked to cultic activity/purity and so no recasting was required following the events of 70 AD .
8 It had never been a homogeneous state , more a collection of dynastic holdings , and its ruling caste never subscribed to the liberal notions of the Enlightenment or the French Revolution .
9 And thirdly , when buying out looked more likely from the 1960's onwards , as members increasingly voiced dissatisfaction at the Club 's management , some existing bondholders played hard to get , clearly reluctant in several instances and for reasons unrecorded , to give us what it had never been intended should be a permanent arrangement or the basis of an elite .
10 It had never been intended that the flimsy structure should support such a weighty assembly , so with a creaking and a cracking and much shouting and swearing down it went in a flurry of legs and arms and broken planks and red Australian dust .
11 Once , therefore , a national curriculum for England and Wales appeared on the agenda , the general reaction was to wonder why it had never been seriously considered before .
12 It had never been done before .
13 Once or twice they followed a track that simply petered out , as though it had never been ; but always , when they returned they found the path she should have chosen was the path the man with the staff had been down before them .
14 It had never been known for them to stay less than three hours — not that Mum minded .
15 It had never been .
16 This makes the ground look as though it had never been disturbed .
17 Despite all this , and very probably contributing to it , schools had very largely not taken on board the issue of homosexuality , and 60 per cent of the sample said it had never been mentioned at all .
18 It would seem that everything between them has been ruined — but no , they decide to treat the day as if it had never been ; and when he has gone Emily picks up her goose-quill pen and again writes ‘ Dear Edmund ’ .
19 It had never been fully constituted or trained as a squadron , but it had achieved most creditable results nonetheless , with over 100 victories plus many more probables and damaged .
20 For a moment , just before they left the house , as she and her aunt clung tightly to each other , the silent tears coursing down their faces , Ruth hated America and wished that it had never been discovered .
21 And it was this convergence that engendered a tradition among the working-class electorate of voting Labour ; Labour came to be identified with working-class interests as it had never been before .
22 It had never been done before , but I had this premonition , and of course it proved true . ’
23 The whole Home Rule movement , with roots going far back into the past , melted quietly away as if it had never been .
24 That same night she had gone to Yeoman 's Lane for the last time , accepting without pain that she had thought their love was untouchable , yet now it was as if it had never been .
25 In brief , in 1615 Andrewes was a member of a commission appointed to consider the request of Lady Essex for an annulment of her marriage on the grounds that it had never been consummated .
26 It had never been so low , and by then virtually the whole of the ( non-Neath ) rest of Welsh rugby was pulling against the national team .
27 It had never been admitted that Michael Holly , small-time engineer , was anything other than a falsely-accused business representative on lawful business in the Soviet capital .
28 It had never been intended and was not his desire that Japan should become an ally of the United States ; rather Japan should be recognised as a neutral .
29 And yet the same claim , when promulgated by Robert Graves , then by Dr Schonfield in The Passover Plot , attracted as much scandal and incredulity as if it had never been broached before .
30 It had never been popular and complaints about it had been voiced in the fifteenth century .
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