Example sentences of "it [vb past] [to-vb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In September 1990 Vietnam appeared to accept in principle the concept of " involuntary repatriation " , when it agreed to take back " economic migrants " who , " while not volunteering to return , are nevertheless not opposed to going back " .
2 The French minister of industry , Dominique Strauss-Kahn , Thursday announced that the French government has paid SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV the first part of the $466m in research and development aid it agreed to pay over five years — the Italian government is supposed to pay the same amount over the same period : ‘ I have signed with SGS-Thomson a contract for a multi-year development effort in France ; the sums for 1993 , $83m from both sides , have been paid , ’ he said ; a spokeswoman for SGS-Thomson in Paris said she had not yet been able to confirm Strauss-Kahn 's assertion ; the separate recapitalisation , which Brussels recently approved , is still conditional on a firm decision being taken on the Italian side , and would be effected in three payments — $227m split evenly between the two partners and an identical payment three months later ; the third payment of $455m is set to be made in 1995 .
3 It failed to do so .
4 If the charge had been framed merely to intimidate , when it failed to do so , the octopus would presumably try something else .
5 ‘ State Department officials were unavailable for comment , ’ the New York Times reported , thereby hinting at the source of the leak , but if the story had been aired as a trial balloon , it failed to lift off .
6 I have in mind a large ball , organised by and in aid of the Book Trade Benevolent Society ( since it failed to put on its annual Carol Service last month and did n't even bother to tell anyone ) , at which the whole book business could get together and celebrate the introduction of the new VAT regime as a way of warding off the post-Christmas blues .
7 October 4 : Nick and Safaya Hemming 's well-known PA–22–160 Tri-Pacer tailwheel conversion G–JEST came to grief on a strip at Flecknoe , Warwickshire , when it failed to pick up speed during take-off for a flight to Honeydon .
8 It failed to explode only because of a faulty detonator .
9 And if the theatre score really was copied for the 1693 revival , why , when it subsequently disappeared , was the company forced to advertise for its return , and unable to revive the work when it failed to turn up ?
10 The legislation was welcomed by the Prime Minister , but Walesa was said to object that it failed to go far enough in changing the 1952 Stalinist constitution .
11 The legislation was welcomed by the Prime Minister , but Walesa was said to object that it failed to go far enough in changing the 1952 Stalinist constitution .
12 But Hitler 's prophecy , highly significant though it appears in retrospect , was at the time probably taken much for granted by most ‘ ordinary ’ Germans in the context of the ever more overtly radical anti-Jewish policy of the regime — a ‘ prophecy ’ so commonplace in its sentiments that it scarcely prompted the need for exultant expressions of praise , just as it failed to stir up any animosity or repulsion .
13 A disabled woman in Wigan has won £10,000 damages from the council after it failed to carry out necessary adaptations to her home .
14 Critics of the Tirgu Mures report said that it failed to spell out the reasons for the outburst of hatred between Romanians and ethnic Hungarians in Transylvania , preferring instead to lay the blame on Ceausescu 's legacy , actions of the former Securitate political police , and disinformation on the part of extremists on both sides .
15 But it failed to discuss how consent should be interpreted where children , young persons and the mentally backward are concerned .
16 The enormous importance people attached to these issues seems eventually to have encouraged the parties to address them though it failed to encourage very much television coverage .
17 The Telegraph 's management believes that when it moved to Docklands , more than two years ago , it failed to modernise fully journalistic work practices , and did not realise how new technology could be used to reduce the number of editing jobs .
18 Whilst it rendered the monarch formally subordinate to Parliament in the sense that it became acknowledged that , at the end of the day , the will of Parliament was to prevail , it failed to provide adequately and efficiently for the discharge of executive government .
19 The International Committee of the Red Cross ( ICRC ) on March 18 obtained a local ceasefire in order to send a mission to Stepanakert , where it planned to set up an operational base .
20 Bad news is that Robert Bosch GmbH said it planned to cut more than 1,000 jobs in its telecommunications division to take it to just over 37,000 ; 3,700 jobs went in 1992 .
21 Following an LDP conference , the party leadership announced on Sept. 19 that it planned to break away from the coalition which had backed Aquino .
22 Supermarket chain Gateway Foodmarkets announced it was switching its 1,100 cars to diesel six months ago and said it expected to save around £400,000 a year on fuel alone .
23 But if as soon as the beam starts its journey I accelerate , then … by the time the beam arrives at the point where it expected to meet up with me … why , of course !
24 Leaders on Capitol Hill virtually put all other business on hold as it sought to hammer out a debt ceiling increase .
25 It sought to attract both moral and financial support from the business community and to establish a regular bar/cafe clientele which would provide much-needed income .
26 One of its major concerns has always been the securing and protection of fundamental human rights , and it sought to build further upon the UN Declaration of Human Rights of December 1948 .
27 In September and October we read in the papers of the heavy raids on London , and the more we read and heard about them the more difficult it became to understand how people could survive .
28 In Edinburgh the corporation 's blamed for everything , despite the fact it ceased to exist nearly twenty years ago !
29 In particular , it promised to look again at the case of Canford Heath in Dorset , where a recent court judgement upheld the decision by Poole Borough Council to build houses on the heath in the face of vociferous opposition from conservation groups , led by the World Wide Fund for Nature [ see ED no .
30 It promised to adopt more democratic structures and said it would be an equal partner with other political parties .
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