Example sentences of "it [adv] to the " in BNC.

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1 During the night I cut firewood for them , and added it secretly to the wood which the young man had cut during the day .
2 Slowly curl the barbell to shoulder height , and then lower it slowly to the starting position .
3 Do not spread it right to the edge or it will ooze out .
4 Someone drove it right to the door and charged me nothing .
5 She left it right to the end of the evening .
6 The suspect temperament of the volatile Ivanisevic had cast a huge question mark over his ability to make it right to the No. 1 spot and to dominate the Grand Slams .
7 You 'd spend one hour boning all his big bones they he 'd already took the joints off and your job was to bone it right to the bone , which he sold separately , and today you would call minced beef .
8 I had built him up to play it right to the heart of the green but he played it like a nervous three handicapper .
9 He invariably believed completely in his own case and pursued it relentlessly to the end .
10 If the fish is whole , and the fishmonger has done the decent thing — removed the guts and gills , which would taint it during cooking — all you need do is immerse the beast in any container large enough to hold it ( ideally a fish kettle ) , cover it with cold water and bring it gently to the boil .
11 So if the lady was on fire , you 'd leave it basically to the Fire Brigade , obviously if you could help the lady , get a ladder up to the window to get her out of the room or something like that , you would do that , you would help in any way you can , but the real experts are the Fire Brigade so we leave all the er real technical stuff to the Fire Brigade .
12 Do not leave it entirely to the advertising agency or the personnel department .
13 But er with the the the er the original the the first one , you had to heat it up with a blowlamp and you had to be very very careful to get it just to the right heat , before if you tried to start it too cold , it would kick back and if was too hot again , it just would n't start .
14 They faxed it , I T N faxed it just to the Big Breakfast .
15 Kalchu took it downstairs to the stable twice a day when he milked the mother .
16 Stonehenge was for sale : The government could have it for £125000 ; failing that , Sir Edmund was open to offers , from a showman perhaps , or an advertising contractor ( ’ The Pear 's Soap Stone ’ ? ) , or an American who would ship it away to the United States .
17 But I do know that when times were bad , the people in the dale had to use the wool off the backs of the sheep themselves instead of sending it away to the wool merchants of Bradford after shearing .
18 Then he dragged it away to the drawing-room .
19 I gave it away to the wrong person .
20 I shall tear out your soul , and carry it away to the Prison of Hostages , and then perhaps the Conablaiche will come to tear out your heart , for there is nothing my Master likes so well as a warm heart , a Mortal heart , still beating , fresh and running with blood and juices …
21 You pushed it away to the back recesses of your mind , but it crept and crawled about and then annoyingly broke through the surface again .
22 Once the process was completed , older boys , apprentice papermakers , came and dislodged the sheet , taking it away to the drying trestles , where it had to be carefully watched and removed after it had dried but before it began to turn yellow in the sun .
23 Phoebe was still asleep beside her , curled up and with her back close to her daughter 's : Maggie enjoyed the moment of comfort , adding it dreamily to the shadow that was also there .
24 The text of Lumen Gentium had been more or less left alone , but it was now prefixed by an ‘ Explanatory Note ’ ( Nota praevia ) which , it was clear when Archbishop Felici communicated it formally to the Council two days later , had come from Pope Paul himself .
25 Erm , does any member of the Council wish to make any comment on this resolution before I put it formally to the vote ?
26 Slowly pull the barbell upwards , keeping it close to the stomach and chest until it is just underneath the chin and the elbows are pointing upwards .
27 Slowly raise the dumb-bell vertically as high as possible without jerking or rocking , keeping it close to the body .
28 One-arm dumb-bell rowing — slowly raise the dumb-bell without jerking or rocking , keeping it close to the body
29 The culture industry does retain a trace of something better in those features which bring it close to the circus , in the self-justifying and nonsensical skill of riders , acrobats and clowns , in the ‘ defense and justification of physical as against intellectual art ’ ( Wedekind ) .
30 That means working it close to the ground , sweeping it backwards and forwards through overlapping arcs .
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