Example sentences of "it [adv] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Aphrosyne is my real name , but people over here find it rather a mouthful — like the Greek part of my surname .
2 Is n't it rather a waste of all we feel to ignore it ?
3 You may recall that this committee has asked for a health and housing conference but we seem to get under it rather a lot of times , nothing it appears to be happening .
4 ‘ He said he 'd read it somewhere a couple of years ago , and it had struck him so deeply that he could n't shake it from his mind .
5 Just keep it Well put it somewhere a bit safer than that .
6 He successfully invaded Sudan to the south in 1820 , making it effectively a colony , and in some eyes even a part of Egypt .
7 They told me that no one had ever been hurt like this ; but was n't it only a question of time ?
8 Is it only a fortnight ago , Dorothea asked herself in amazement ?
9 ‘ Sam 's going to a new school , ’ Bella said , and time was oddly foreshortened in Albert 's head so that two or three minutes of silence passed between them and he thought it only a second .
10 They 'd been in it only a year , but Mrs Yardley had lavished as much effort on it as she had on her beautiful cake .
11 Is it only a paper tiger , or does it really have teeth ?
12 Was it only a desire for conquest ?
13 I saw him use it only a week ago . ’
14 • Decide on the space that is wholly yours , even if it only a table somewhere .
15 Nor is it only a matter of government consulting people about what it proposes to do .
16 The other factor against a return was that I reckoned it only a matter of time before they stopped being DINKS ( double income , no kids ) and became WHANnies ( ‘ We have a Nanny ’ ) .
17 Was it perhaps a memory of childhood , she wondered , that made watching a woman cooking in her own kitchen so extraordinarily reassuring and satisfying .
18 Then one day , out of the blue there was a miracle — or was it perhaps a fairy tale ?
19 I think had we managed to stick it together a bit longer , all fifty of us , and just prove to the management that we were n't gon na be starved back to work which seemed to be the way they wanted us to go back , you know because the board had you know escalated , you know I think had we managed to stick it together , certainly the result would 've been different .
20 They seem to have got it together a bit more .
21 He did and they all edited it together a week later .
22 Was it merely a coincidence that the fall of Boso took place at the same time as the discovery of the Rauching plot , in which Egidius was involved ?
23 Did this energy have some objective reality or was it merely a way of looking at known processes from a different viewpoint ?
24 There has been much damning comment about the state of the British film industry , and much positive talk of Hollywood County Wicklow , but is it merely a case of British film-makers relocating ?
25 Nor is it merely a question of politics .
26 Nor was it merely a triumph for selfish or cynical British statesmen , indifferent to the fate of far-off peoples or calculating that Hitler might be launched into war against Soviet Russia .
27 Has the Liberal party broken a convention , or was it merely a display of bad manners that they left the Chamber immediately after their spokesman had finished ?
28 Is it merely a remnant of the past ?
29 Is it merely a matter of reproducing party political views and , if so , of which political parties ?
30 But does the description reflect high-quality ingredients or is it merely a marketing tag ?
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