Example sentences of "it [adv] [pers pn] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The letter filled Lucy with indignation , and although she answered it politely she longed to ask whether the writer would agree to allowing a similar number of plants to be dug from her own property .
2 Like she said to that new girl take your time learn it , get to know it properly she said you learn what was it ?
3 Even when he could not do it properly he loved it , and very soon he pleased as much as he was pleased .
4 I do n't know , depends what you want to do , I can prepare it now actually there 's only Sally left is ? , is it only you left Sal ?
5 It was just that erm the other varieties around were competing too heavily against it so they thought what 's the point of passing it on to the children .
6 The voltage on the power panel which the Object Management Group has planned for its Object World expo later this month just went up a few notches : Lotus ' John Landry could n't make it so they got Sun 's Bill Joy as a substitute .
7 He , they left the er they 'd gone said leave it in the conservatory , then he went out and and and and er shut his conservatory so they could n't leave it so they asked me to keep it for him .
8 But he had it and he gave us food and wine out of it so we understood it was his .
9 erm so I mean for example with something like statistics that covers different techniques and activities from , you know , different books erm something like erm something like social most of it comes out of that which is a thing we did because people were experiencing difficulty with it so we thought well right we 'll , we 'll , we 'll sort of anchor the syllabus mostly to , you know , one particular book erm so different , different staff use different techniques , some people ha have drawn on a whole variety of things and , and , and some people have just drawn on one erm I think the main priority is to try and do some coursework though in your case erm
10 we had a hell of a urgent copy photocopier , and no-one can can do it so we went upstairs photocopy , it 's very urgent , we want it we , want to give to our sponsor .
11 as you turn it up , it 's gon na pull straight , that bit still did n't do it so we went to the other side , put the cramp the other way and having put that one down and that one up , now if you sight that now through there
12 Could n't you have somehow fixed it so we had separate rooms ? ’
13 Mrs Taylor gave Frankie and me a piece of bread pudding each but we did n't like the smell of it so we threw it over the wall on the way back to our house .
14 thought he was it so we decided to bring him down three pegs or two
15 Salome was in a metal frame bed with about half a ton of bits and pieces surrounding it so it did n't escape .
16 held your foot on it so it did n't fly all over the place , yeah
17 It 's not that Malcolm was a father-figure to us — as some have said — he was more like an elder brother who 'd actually been out there in the world and done it so he had the confidence and experience .
18 He knew that the office staff might open it and read it so he had to make it impersonal .
19 And I said , You flat out there avoiding it so he said erm you 've accuse us of erm taking slates out at night .
20 And er , it went wrong so she took her daughter 's out of her bedroom and using hers and when our John came down she were telling about it so he said oh I 'll take it this Sunday and I 'll fix it for you , of course with John working away he took the television
21 The land could not be inspected because Dr. Rufford did not own it so he made sure that the land was not inspected .
22 I used to have one but he got fed up of me using it so he cut plug off
23 Course then he finished , they finished dredging at night on , at nineteen thirty two cos they said it was costing too much the did and erm they were building some new cranes down there , so I said to my father , and he was very friendly with the Harbourmaster , he said erm was there any chance of getting one of them cranes so when he went and saw the Harbourmaster he said no he said the boy do n't know nothing about electricity either so he said no nor did no other buggers he said they did n't know anything about it so he got the job .
24 And then she checked Well anyway the week after he 'd phoned there was no what you call in it so he wrote it in to the damn thing and said why is it when some people puts adverts in they not only put it in once they put it in three or four times the same week
25 She said : ‘ He asked about the bureau and I said I had nowhere to put the things from it so he went into the wardrobe and cleared a shelf and said put it in there .
26 So that 's it so he did come .
27 So he stuck by it so he loosed these two and them down to the shore .
28 He 'd have to somehow work it so he stayed behind .
29 I could n't wear it so I returned to Sally 's .
30 I was going to go back but I did n't think I 'd make it so I landed here to be safe .
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