Example sentences of "it [adv] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Stealing a gun cover undetected , he brought it ashore and presented it dripping wet to the ship 's captain in a conference .
2 ‘ Beuno , ’ she said , as he approached up the path , ‘ is it altogether wise to be cheeky to the devil ? ’
3 Only in coffee and silk is it wholly dependent on imports .
4 But in no part of Europe was it wholly exceptional for an eleventh-century bishop to have children .
5 I find it rather overpowering in fish recipes , but it is used extensively in Creole cookery and in dishes such as seafood gumbo .
6 I find it rather rich for eating as a table cheese , but a few spoonfuls stirred into hot pasta is delicious .
7 She may consider it rather selfish of him to want to reserve one day a week for his own personal pleasure .
8 ‘ He may well find it rather stiffer in future .
9 ‘ Is n't it rather presumptuous of you to decide what he needs ? ’ he asked curiously .
10 Now erm in some ways actually this makes it rather nice to be an evolutionist because it means that people care , you know , people are actually interested in what you 're doing and that 's fun .
11 Jessamy was beginning to find it rather odd to be having this day out with her husband .
12 Small garden cane It 's made it rather heavy with er , the material on it as well .
13 The Board was also somewhat worried about the style of the buildings , thinking it rather ornate for a mere school .
14 I know that in some parts of the country , notably in the north-east , one or two local authorities have made it rather difficult for protective street furniture to be erected along the sides of roads where there has been ram-raiding .
15 Oh yes I think , I think you need a focal point , I think , I 'd find it rather difficult without a fireplace at all .
16 Let me just run through a few features of American political life which make it rather different to er to our own er sceptred isle .
17 M80 is another globular , midway between Antares and Beta ; I find it rather elusive with binoculars , but most observers regard it as easy .
18 as if to prove that the National Hunt supermen that brought off this latest feat are in fact human , Pipe admitted that he got it badly wrong over his assessment of In-Keeping .
19 There 's going to be new legislation soon which will make it dead easy for landlords to kick tenants out and I 've had enough of all this as it is . ’
20 Take you can take it right long to the end .
21 It , it was a two bedroom old cottage it was , very , very nice with a big garden and all I had was erm one room downstairs and like er a kitchen , well er where the sink and that was it was more like a big room where the kitchen was and the two bedrooms upstairs , but only a door on one bedroom , you went up the stairs into a big open room you know where the bannisters all round you know what I mean , no door on it and just , another door , a bedroom door , that 's all but I loved it you know it was a nice erm , not bad , but of course it was condemned it got so old and then they pulled it down and they built another house on it right next to where erm that shooting took pla you know they was having that shooting night just down that lane where I used to be
22 On the other hand , the mere fact that in that time she has overtaken it most one of some 20 countries that outranked her in per capita terms is enough to establish that her record is less than spectacular .
23 What kinds of task is it most appropriate for groups to undertake ?
24 But what makes it most special for the Christian is the celebration of the coming of God 's Son into our troubled world .
25 But the overlap in time and content makes it most convenient for the two groups to be discussed together .
26 Jean thought it most unfair to the organiser , in this case , Cecilia Taylor .
27 On the hand it most likely to be because the subject discussed is of great interest to the newspaper 's readers .
28 Is your journey really necessary ? the posters demanded accusingly , making it downright unpatriotic for a civilian to even think of occupying a seat on a passenger train .
29 Bridgefield , Connecticut-based Bristol Technology Inc has its $5,000 HyperHelp 3.0 in beta test and expects to make it commercially available in May : it adds character-based help for terminals , secondary windows , segmented bit maps , history path and support for Windows 3.1 help ; Bristol 's SBML Easy ! , the HyperHelp Standard Generalised Markup Language , is also going into beta test , with the general release expected in June .
30 To make it commercially attractive to somebody else British Gas have to got keep lifting their prices to a level , that eventually somebody comes in and says oh yes
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