Example sentences of "it [be] only if " in BNC.

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1 It 's only if you let it take over your life that it 's wrong . ’
2 It 's only if jobs produced profit directly that they would consider workers deserve to be paid .
3 it 's only if you can reinforce it
4 And it 's only if there is no spouse that matters go rather more as might expect , namely firstly always the children or the issue if they are n't any of those to your parents brothers an sis er issue of parents therefore brothers sisters nephews and nieces .
5 It 's only if something suddenly begins to move that you start asking questions .
6 It 's only if they come up with different … ’
7 It 's only if , but
8 But it 's only if it 's materially out .
9 It 's only if there 's a sort of niggling problem that would tell the coordinator about and they would pass it to the police officers .
10 Erm , cos otherwise it 's er it 's only if you have multiple applications running .
11 If there was somebody dolled up as a copper at the Abbey , you 've got a conspiracy , and it 's only if there was a conspiracy that the Secret Service is really interested , because that means there 's at least one bod floating loose who presumably still wants to kill the President .
12 And , it 's only if this committee decides to take a hand in pushing environmental issues forward , that they will actually come about , except , almost by accident .
13 No it 's cause it 's it 's it 's only if the police come they 'll they 'll move you on .
14 it 's only if you do English literature as well but I do n't .
15 Well I think it 's only if you want to do er you know like doing it for some , something or other is n't it ?
16 Cos the last race is at five o'clock I think , but I mean it 's only if we go couple of hours .
17 It 's only if it goes in and you 've got no angle
18 It 's only if you 've got the clutch right in .
19 It 's only if you do an emergency start and shoot off the road at high speed , which vans are n't capable of .
20 say anything about you like it 's only if I got nothing else to say really
21 It is only if you pretend and try to sweep it under the carpet that you get a bigoted response , ’ Mr Purton added after the vote .
22 It is only if you kneel down and call him to you that will he come slowly for his apology .
23 It is only if theologians go on using the old equipment ( sun goes round earth etcetera ) that they fall out with the philosophers and scientists .
24 It is only if your Mum or Dad has it , that you may possible have it when you grown up , whether you are a boy or a girl .
25 The implications of this failure are very far-reaching because , it is only if market forces can be counted on to produce good , or even tolerable , results that the abdication from all responsibility for strategic policy-making can for a moment be justified .
26 A domicile of origin is notoriously adhesive , but it is only if it is replaced with a foreign domicile of choice , and three further years elapse , that the individual will escape the UK inheritance tax net .
27 It is only if all these conditions are met that the adult is likely to respond appropriately ( see acts performed by children 's first words , Chapter 3 ) .
28 It is only if someone can do , has learnt , is master of , such-and-such , that it makes sense to say he had had this experience .
29 It is only if we are in the grip of a mistaken conception of truth that the mere possibility of a belief being mistaken carries with it the threat of scepticism ; it is an indication that the sceptic 's conception of truth is not ours that his arguments do not prompt an epistemic crisis .
30 It is only if we can read that record that we can discover some very important biological characteristics of human beings , since ( to repeat an earlier point ) it is through convention , convention that has a history , that human nature is expressed .
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