Example sentences of "it [conj] [pers pn] could " in BNC.

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1 Two sets of twelve so we could say two times it or we could add twelve to twelve .
2 Oh we could read it or we could go in the garden .
3 In moderation , alcohol is often recommended as a relaxant — but do not overdo it or you could find that you have another problem .
4 All you know is you took a bearing from A and it could be anywhere along here , could be quite close to it or it could be miles up over here .
5 If they could not exercise that power themselves , or count on the eastern empire to do it for them , then they would find it where they could .
6 Jim turned the car outside the harbour entrance and parked it where they could see the vehicles as soon as they emerged from Customs .
7 She took two silver coins out of the tin then put it where it could only be found by her .
8 He 'd then take off his wrist watch and put it where he could see it as he talked .
9 I thought it must be sex , if I turned my back I did it where he could n't spring at me , and I listened .
10 Hm But it 's quite good paper because it 's got all the colours in it so you could put any thing with it ca n't you ?
11 And in the morning , when they went outside their hut to speed the traveller on his way , they found that the poor little cabin had turned into a handsome mansion , with everything around it that they could possibly need .
12 How was it that she could tolerate such noise ?
13 So strange , she sometimes thought , to have all this engineering knowledge in three languages and still be so unable to apply a single word of it that she could scarcely change a plug without helpful diagrams .
14 ‘ Of course I 'll come back to the Dordogne to see you , ’ Jenna promised , knowing as she said it that she could never face Alain again .
15 The few square inches of it that I could see were spoiled by the sticky red blood which had pooled out over them .
16 Now he stood behind me , so that I could feel the warmth of his body , but I was facing the box hedge , so close to it that I could n't turn .
17 But anyway , they allowed this that they did n't have any further use for it that I could have it .
18 So I mean yo , there could be things in it that it could be left there , if there 's , but you started
19 After Arthur read that paralysing codswallop , the piece of business became impossible and it was only after Fred rang him up and ribbed him about it that he could manage to get the thing off his head again .
20 Why was it that he could succeed in getting under her skin this way ?
21 A top-level sprinter could not be a top-level javelin thrower and even less possible is it that he could reach the top in another sport as well .
22 The Louvre too , though not cheap , has so much in it that you could spend days there and not see all of it .
23 Five shillings was n't it that you could , no meals allowed if you ate out , you were n't allowed to spend more than five shillings .
24 ‘ I was always frightened of the way I felt , I think because I knew without really understanding it that you could … you could own me , Luke .
25 The teacher used to come in and take him and he got fed up of it 'cause he could n't get on with his other work .
26 Could it be that what he was feeling was a kind of envy , in the sense that he 'd brought her here , to a place that he felt he 'd made his own , and in a matter of weeks she 'd already grown closer to it than he could ever hope to be ?
27 Meanwhile , Andy had discovered windsurfing and that he could make more money in a day teaching it than he could in a week in his other job .
28 As she studied him closely over her coffee cup she wondered why he said those things , then decided he could no more help it than he could help having three portions of everything .
29 The Flemyngs would close it if they could .
30 Ten years ago anyone finding such a book would have returned it if they could .
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