Example sentences of "it [be] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So th the sort of help that was that would come to the surface would it be at times like birth , death , accidents ?
2 Despite the fact that the kanun thus in all likelihood dates from the seventeenth century , the biographical sources indicate that the principles , if not the details , embodied in it were at work in the late sixteenth century and very possibly earlier-as well .
3 My problem , therefore , would perhaps appear to lie with my speakers , but the G-K cost a fortune so I would be surprised if it were at fault .
4 But it 's at Abingdon where the biggest surprise will be felt .
5 It 's at times like this you start to see things in perspective . ’
6 It 's at times like these that the brain cells slip into surrealist ‘ wavy picture ’ mode as you mentally conjure something with a 10 inch wide fretboard and a progression of thick wound strings tensed across it , creating monstrous internal forces and straining various components to breaking point .
7 IT 'S AT times like this when one begins to wonder about The Franks & Walters .
8 It 's at times like this that we say ‘ thank goodness for PR Sprays ’ , the convenient ‘ alternative ’ to ice which cools the skin and offers immediate relief to the pained area .
9 It 's at times like that you need your friends . ’
10 It 's at times like that you think of quitting the business and becoming a postman or a brickie — anything that 's vaguely normal . ’
11 ‘ Do you know , ’ he said , ‘ it 's at times like this I think there 's hope for the universe yet . ’
12 To stop crime effectively , we all need to get involved whether it 's at work , at home , at school or in your leisure time .
13 In Chapter Seven I 'll consider how you can raise your visibility , whether it 's at work , as an entrepreneur or in your community .
14 Well oh he said it 's at work and oh God !
15 It 's at work !
16 Oh yeah , it 's at angle yeah !
17 It 's at seven o'clock tonight , it 's at Road police station , they 're looking for white males aged about fortyish , five foot five to six foot approximately tall , of slim build , need to be clean shaven , shoulder length dark brown hair .
18 but why is it necessary to , why is n't the Centenary Sports Ground and it 's at Road .
19 The large and comfortable handhold which the shelf at first provided does n't feel quite so satisfying now it 's at chest height ; which course of action to take ?
20 Wendover Parish Council have a new u-bend ramp : it 's at Ashbrooke Recreation ground , Aylesbury Road , Wendover in Buckinghamshire .
21 And it 's at school that many gifted children — and their parents — encounter their first real obstacles .
22 no because it 's Saint Mark 's , it 's at Woodbone Road
23 Did you believe that , Thomas is part of an eight cat routine at Circus International at , it 's been at Sutton Coldfield , it 's at Northfield over the weekend , but these are just domestic cats , ordinary domestic cats .
24 But it 's at night when Acapulco really comes into its own ; no wonder this resort has been called ‘ The Golden Zone ’ , with its countless bars , restaurants and nightclubs .
25 during the day , it 's at night .
26 At night , it 's at night .
27 No not in the mornings , everyone 's tired in the mornings , it 's at night we need it , at night on the bus , cos no one talks in the morning
28 Er if it 's at night time it annoys you , cos if all ring your neighbours they 're not gon na be so friendly if your alarm 's ringing forever and a day and you know , it 's disturbing your sleep .
29 It 's at Doncaster and Cheltenham .
30 It 's at moments like this that something magical happens .
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