Example sentences of "it [be] [verb] down " in BNC.

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1 Or had it been shot down over the Channel ?
2 In the cooler air of the upper atmosphere , the chemical reactions which destroy it are slowed down , thereby enhancing its greenhouse effect .
3 Can Making Belfast Work be improved or should it be shut down to make way for alternative policies ?
4 And the tall tree arched over at the top in a graceful curve like a shepherd 's crook , as if it were looking down to admire itself .
5 There were mediaeval chroniclers , working from monasteries and sometimes from the courts , and those chroniclers were producing history which was an attempt as it were to set down what seemed to them to be the most important things that were happening at the time , with a few asides .
6 It was therefore natural to test the phonograph as if it were taking down shorthand .
7 What Daddy 's got are three cheap , shabby shops selling cheap , shabby suits to cheap shabby fools who would n't recognise a decent cloth if it were shoved down their throats .
8 If it were closed down suppose 750 of the men would not expect to find another job and would have to live off social security payments .
9 John and the rest of the room seemed to be miles away — even my own voice , when I produced it finally , sounded as if it were coming down a long-distance telephone .
10 And it were coming down to tap .
11 That it were coming down and then
12 It were flowing down the both ways down .
13 So I got out the car and I went over and I , turned it down , as it were turning down I saw it was n't pouring just out the tap , it was also pouring from the
14 They stopped it being watered down and prevented the part about combating discrimination from being taken out .
15 But falling pupil numbers at Soudley Primary School could lead to it being shut down within the next few years .
16 He could not bear the thought of it being thrown down the well , however dangerous the alternative .
17 See like , long hair here , so it 's hanging down , scraggily , so you 've got like a shaved head , with all these bits here ai n't ya ?
18 This is , er , this is the same face as you , yesterday I was on about , we 've tried everything , it 's getting down to that now .
19 The Thermogrill surface combustion burner gives an even heat over the whole surface , even when it 's turned down .
20 It 's to sit down with the practice manager and say right tell me about these businesses .
21 Druid 's Bottom was a fine house once , though it 's run down since Mr Gotobed passed on and Dilys took bad .
22 When the-farmer heard where Deborah lived , he said : ‘ I 'd run you home in my car , but it 's broken down .
23 ‘ Let's go and see if we can see the fogs , then when we 're sure about them , perhaps we can get a close look at the engine — perhaps it 's broken down . ’
24 You are stressing now how difficult the whole word is ( photograph ) but how easy it is when it 's broken down ( pho-to-graph ) .
25 If it 's breaking down lots of food , a really heavy meal , then it 's actually maybe making such a big demand on the oxygen level in your bloodstream that your oxygen level in your bloodstream drops and there 's not enough to go round the muscles to make to break up any lactic acid that 's being formed .
26 ‘ Now we 'll be able to get back to normal and replace the plaque , although we 'll have to make sure it 's bolted down so no one does this sort of thing in the future .
27 But if it 's belting down it could be a different story . ’
28 It 's kept down to an absolute bare minimum .
29 ‘ It 'll be nice when it 's calmed down .
30 Indeed , these firms can not operate without it , because knowledge is developing too fast — by the time it 's written down and formalized , it 's obsolete .
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