Example sentences of "it [be] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And has n't it been abuse now , six years later ? ’
2 This is an area of human emotion so fraught with difficulty that attitudes to it are poles apart .
3 Why would it be hearsay anyway ?
4 Could it be royals also need a spare ,
5 it were Joan really that put me right there it were thirteen as opposed to fifteen
6 So it is under our present system , and so it would be under the RES , if it were nomination either for a safe constituency seat or for a high position on a party list .
7 If it did start up , the Ariadne would ride more comfortably if it were bows on to it .
8 No it were day before , you said it Wednesday .
9 as if it were January instead of August .
10 The moment Ferdinando left , with only the most cursory of farewells , to go by train and boat to Rome in advance of the main Party , the icy wind which had swept through the city most unexpectedly throughout October suddenly dropped and it was as if it were summer again .
11 It was a stupid idea to waste an entire morning on a foolish whim , and it was even more stupid to believe it as though it were truth instead of conjecture .
12 He recalled with amazement , as if it were years ago , his first shocked vision of the adult Irina , the shaggy , sullen , unkempt ‘ gipsy ’ girl standing at the door of Red Cottage who had not spoken to him , and whom he had even conjectured to be mentally defective .
13 It were weeks ago Laura found it . ’
14 No it were Monday when in here cos I was oh I were , Gavin were wanting some toast with jam on and I 'd only got a little bit like that , I says oh you 'll have to wait while your Aunty Margaret brings some more tomorrow .
15 Then , Boswell and Johnson returned to the New Inn and sat quietly all evening , and ( it being Sunday presumably ) discussed Christ and Christianity .
16 Sally-Anne did not know of this conversation , of course , and by the next day she was her usual bouncing , energetic self , and it being Monday not only was it wash-day — oh , dear — but summer cleaning also began again , with everything being put back , and the whole place was shining and sweet-smelling , so that , Wednesday having come round , McAllister had sunk down into Dr Neil 's big armchair with a great , ‘ Phew , I 'm glad that 's all over ! ’ amusing Matey , whose soft spot for the girl who seemed to be making Dr Neil more reconciled to his lot grew greater every day .
17 Oh , hello , it 's Christopher here .
18 It 's concept also used in the tool code-named Wings , formerly Alar , which recompiles Windows applications to run on the Macintosh .
19 For Leeds tickets at Livehpewl I think it 's members only , and I guess they 'll be limited , but trying the above numbers should help you find out all about it .
20 It 's stone below . ’
21 Well it 's quarter past already .
22 And then between twelve and one , it 's sport back on talkback with Tony .
23 it 's Ben though in n it ?
24 So it 's unity then ?
25 awful , but by god did he go , I said to Sandra it 's Ross all over again , funny in n it but she 's got no
26 It 's Cathy really , is n't it , and Paul
27 A few years later it 's chocs away for Rovers ' new regime at Wolves on Saturday .
28 To a farmer it 's anathema not to produce on land .
29 It 's June 16th , 1997 , and it 's Lynne again , welcoming you to SnitchWatch USA , the program in which you , the viewer at home , can help fight crime for cash money and prizes by interfacing with our datanet on your home peecee .
30 It 's March sometime erm
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