Example sentences of "it [conj] they have " in BNC.

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1 And I saw a hole in the bottom at the side of it where they had blasted a hole in it in order to sink it .
2 Gossip in Mother Russell 's had it that they 'd made their fortune by some prize , for there were one or two men in Harry Pascoe 's crew who thought they had seen strange goings on close inshore under the Gribbin the previous October ; but these would not be drawn further , and although it was never put into so many words , people came to accept that the source of Harry Pascoe 's wealth was not a safe subject for public discussion .
3 Sometimes the king allowed subjects to take deer for themselves in his forests ; the warden 's duty was to see to it that they had a proper writ of warranty when they came to his forest , that they did not take more than the specified number , and that they took them in the prescribed manner .
4 They grew big and strong and healthy , for he saw to it that they had all of the best , particularly in winter , and nothing to fear — except the running knot in the hedge-gap and the wood-path .
5 Arthur found the reasons for this unfathomable , but took it that they had to do with a comparison to his own looks .
6 Helen : For some reason I thought of it that they 've given me this monster of a baby that I was n't going to be able to love , and some woman came round — she may have been the hospital social worker or an almoner — and spent about an hour telling me how this was going to completely change the course of my life , I was going to be saddled with this child that would need twenty-four hour care and attention , and I had to think carefully about whether I wanted that for the rest of my life , i.e. was I going to keep him — virtually talking me into not keeping him , and I think the turning-point was that I felt there was something coming from the outside that was , sort of , really trying to urge me to reject him , and that I rebelled against it .
7 But beware — the Black Night 's ghoulish cohorts are everywhere , and rumour has it that they 've been dabbling in the dark arts …
8 Or is it , is it that they 've become a sort of exclusive club , arising al almost always through the ranks of the of the law , and gradually , gradually got withdrawn from the way that ordinary people think and feel .
9 Report has it that they have now virtually committed racial suicide , declining to accept the deplorable standards of modern literature and paper .
10 Fred understood Sukie 's vengeful ruse , and most people could have guessed it if they had cared to , which they did n't .
11 Nor have seen the sense to it if they had .
12 It creates a sense of well-being so attractive that few can resist using it if they have been exposed to it too often .
13 This arrangement is dictated by the fact that the cost of running a very large establishment of higher education like a polytechnic is such that few individual local authorities can contemplate it if they have to rely solely on their normal sources of income , that is the rates and the Rate Support Grant .
14 However , the SIB is in charge of this and I refer hon. Members to it if they have problems .
15 You name it and they 've got it .
16 It was a real nice place two years ago ; nothing but luxury houses for the super-rich , but then the snakes bought it and they 've painted a big yellow cross on their runway .
17 you end up with like all these books and they 've got a different , different sort of er perspective on it and they 've got
18 The producer of the video says preventing car crime is better than trying to cure it and they 've drawn on the real experiences of youngsters .
19 Jack says practically that there is n't a beast because they 've not seen it and they 've been everywhere on the island .
20 sold it now , different people got it and they 've gone to Amer going to America yeah that was them , ever so nice girl she is and her children , two lovely girls and a boy of about sixteen I suppose , lovely girl she was , and they were frightened to go anywhere .
21 and like the thing is obviously like the first realise there on a and they try to stop it , why are you stopping for , remember you are in the British army , if you disobey orders you 'll get a court marshall really started laying onto them , and like they 've started again and like the first bloke obviously got to the fucking water , cos he 's stopped again , one man one sides shouting out and round the other side shouting out and they have they 've all gone in , they must of thought fuck it and they 've all just fucking marched into the sea , and we marched them in , tent was only about that much above water , and we 've lasted thought , this is the thing that got me , he , he shouted at him , cos we , we , we managed to get them and that , he said right , right , go in , go in and tell them to come out , what , I said what , can you just pop in and tell them to come out , I said over here sarge , he said you disobey an order
22 They 've not said a word on the rest of the industry and in fact wo n't say it and they 've been pressed very very hard on what the future entails for the rest of the coal field .
23 And we know they 've learnt something , they 've understood it and they 've got it for life .
24 But when I got back to work the people that was in the observation post on the factory , they saw this aircraft , it came down low over the King George 's playing fields and they could see the markings on it and they 'd sounded the alarm but but course the aircraft went straight over .
25 A lot of them brought bacon and eggs but you had to cook it and they had to leave the pans and things clean when they left — so it was always a rush job and all policemen suffered from bad stomachs .
26 Because they said they 'd always done it and they had nowhere else to put it .
27 No they just had their own way of life and you would n't change it and they had stories to my father .
28 Said alright , so I filled out a bloody form and I went to Michelins , they knew nothing about it and they had n't got it displayed either !
29 There was some problem that one of them went back and talked to , presumably dad , perhaps mum though , erm and came back with a lovely engineered solution , but that did n't matter — they had fun doing it and they had fun trying these things and , believe me , the answer were ever so close to what the design I was amazed with what they produced .
30 People see it and they have this immediate compulsion to come close and mull it over .
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