Example sentences of "it [verb] away [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some may not like this idea , because it veers away from established convention , but it 's quicker , plus it saves the hassle of breaking a string peg at an important moment and being left dangling , so to speak .
2 When two cats are fighting and one is forced into submission , it often performs what is called ‘ cut-off ’ , where it turns away from its tormentor and shuts its eyes , trying to blot out the frightening image of its dominant rival .
3 Something in his demeanour made a tremulous question form in Katherine 's mind , but it fluttered away at the distinctive sound of Violette 's infectious laugh .
4 And then when my wife died and I had to sell all you know it disa er I think er it got away with er some old stuff you know .
5 It got away from us . ’
6 Every religion has been a tradition of response to him , however darkly it groped towards him , however anxiously it shied away from him . ’
7 It was wider than it had looked and Fenella thought she had been right to think it led away from the road , deeper into the hillside .
8 Er and they 've now got it stashed away in in Australia waiting for the next exhibition .
9 All of it eating away at the spiritual fabric of existence for thousands upon thousands of years .
10 Suddenly I have twisted the gun out of his hand — but it flies away from us across the ground .
11 Then she looked across at Burun , smiled brilliantly , and lashed the st'lyan across the barrel so that it charged away through the trees and out on to the plain .
12 That 's it come away from it Aaron do n't touch any buttons
13 It headed away from the distant airport building , a single-storey edifice , away from the main road to Rovaniemi , heading east cross-country into the wilderness .
14 Then it moved away at a brisk trot , the small and incredibly ugly imp that was perching on its lid watching the scenery with interest .
15 Then it moved away into the wood .
16 The history of polarity reversals of the Earth 's magnetic field recorded in this newly generated crust as it cooled indicated that , once formed , it moved away from ridges towards oceanic trenches .
17 As it drew away from the Communists , the ILP leadership became more sympathetic to the Labour Party which was also criticizing the Popular Front for its inclusion of non-socialists .
18 It left a tidemark of greasy bits as it sank away down the plughole .
19 Then in a flash it dashes away as if fleeing in panic .
20 When it drove away over the ochre expanse , it broke into pieces and dissolved in the air .
21 Bracing his body against it , he battered forwards , with his head down , and it ate away at his strength .
22 The only sounds were his footsteps on the stairs , the slamming of her front door followed by the noise of his car engine as it roared away from her flat .
23 ‘ Pray to God it happens away from the village . ’
24 Its headlights came on full beam , and it accelerated away with a rising roar which brought heads to windows all along the street .
25 ‘ Do you think I 've lost a fortune only to see it salted away in the same nip-cheese fashion as before ?
26 He broke a piece off carefully , so it came away without any noise , just crumbling .
27 It came away from the wall and he had to grab on to a crate to stop himself overbalancing .
28 As it came away from the cold flesh , so she cut it into strips , and she wrapped each strip of skin around a piece of bone .
29 Jazzbeaux grabbed the old woman 's hair , and it came away in her hand .
30 She stared down at the disgusting mass as it came away in her hand for a moment and then she marched after him with pursed lips and a determined gleam in her eyes .
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