Example sentences of "it [verb] up [conj] " in BNC.

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1 and then somebody else has it , so it 's sort of once a month or something it turns up and they have sort of an extensive thing on it , I think that 's the way it works .
2 It fluttered up and down on her shoulders when the machine slowed .
3 Er we 're going to er get it drafted up and er we have some money in the , we have some money in our budget , for a gift , and it seems to me appropriate erm that the gift that we might make to Cheskevod is the s trading charter which we can get for the money that we 've budgeted er written by a calligrapher who I 've already contacted , who said that they can do it erm well , for that sort of price , in both English and Czech .
4 This debate is important because it points up that ‘ the facts ’ are not necessarily as simple and straightforward as they might at first sight seem .
5 the total is different opposite on the scale , instead of all this stuff inside of you , you just let it build up and you let it build up until whoosh and you throw it outside at other people , and that itself that that as well causes physical problems .
6 the total is different opposite on the scale , instead of all this stuff inside of you , you just let it build up and you let it build up until whoosh and you throw it outside at other people , and that itself that that as well causes physical problems .
7 The see saw it goes up and down
8 turn the crane round one way then the other and he got on the same lever but today they got , cos they got big lovely cranes where they stand there with four levers , four controls they 've got and it goes up and down .
9 It goes up and straight down l and you ca n't stay up erm in the water , you go straight under and you do n't find yourself in the middle erm of the pool where it actually comes in you find yourself being pressed against the wall by the water pressure
10 er she bought these new leather shoes quite a while ago , but even they and they were the widest she could buy , but they needed stretching , so Joanne , Paul 's girlfriend , had got one of these shoe stretching things , you put it in and twist it and it goes up and up , well even that at it 's highest would n't , you know , at it 's furthest , well it was sticking out as far as it could go , even that was n't filling it , so she stuck a spud down the end of it
11 It rode up and down his face , his eyes and nose , and pressed against his lips .
12 She saw herself , her head a foam of lacy white like the shining tumbleweed caught in the evening light as it floats through the air , handed on to the bar stool , her little feet — her good point — showing beneath the hem of her skirt where it rode up as she adjusted herself .
13 Headed back up by to , hook ball , looking for , gets his head underneath and it 's just over the top of the bar , he got the full force of his head beneath that ball and it looped up and over the top of er an anxious looking Paul crossbar .
14 It lights up but it erm you turn to the regulo love and it still stays the same level which is you know , sort of you know , little .
15 They 're usually purchased over the counter with no instructions , but last week I bought one in a plastic sleeve , on which the following instructions were printed : ‘ This voltage indicator is suitable for testing AC voltage from 100 volts up to a maximum of 500 volts against earth The metal part on top of the indicator must be touched to operate it , and the earthing position of the user largely determines whether it lights up or not .
16 on the box you can see it made up and then with all the bits and pieces separate
17 She puts the Christmas card through this door that 's it ripped up and put through her door .
18 I mean , you think you give birth and you 're forgotten , I mean your health visitor visits your baby , and then you 've got the baby blues , and we we are trying to do something to get them to help and warn people about when they are pregnant it can happen because it does start then , not after you 've had the baby , it builds up and them wham , it hits you !
19 Now the idea behind that is that it builds up and keeps in trim the muscles of the feet and ankles and legs , which is going to be what gets you about because you realize your retirement is going to be as good as your legs .
20 It bounced up and I turned to see the ball hovering above my stumps .
21 . Or it stands up or you know you you go and put it in the cupboard , and all of a sudden there 's a there 's a there 's a face looking at you , you know .
22 Heavily , and with unpractised movements , it straightens up and tries to look courtly , attentive and willing .
23 We , we , we were supposed to be going there this year , we had it booked up and every thing , we lost our hundred pound deposit .
24 Yeah , put it there he 'll feed it , he 'll have it , hurry up , that 's it hurry up and eat it cos we 've got to go erm , and they 'll have sandwiches or something for tea and er if you point something they say no I do n't want it and then when the other one can I have it , oh you 're digging your finger in it
25 Routinely , you are most likely to need to lift the dog up into your car , however , rather than encouraging it to jump up and possibly injure itself as a result .
26 It swelled up when I finished
27 They watched it fly up and up , gliding over the sea .
28 I gave it a coat yesterday morning and then it hardened up and I rubbed it down with a bit of fine wire wool today
29 Then to Ann Butler , ‘ Missus , put some oven shelves in t'bed ti get it warmed up afore we puts 'im in . ’
30 She would not allow it to open up and expose her directly to the moon , and to the distant but approaching dragon .
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