Example sentences of "it [verb] with [pron] " in BNC.

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1 well he says he 'll tell me what he suggests and if it agrees with what I 've got I 'm a happy man are n't I .
2 Just let it stay with you and then breathe it away . ’
3 No like that 's not it to go with their mates .
4 She remembered the way the midwife had bent her knee so that Carolyn 's calf pressed against her thigh , and held it pinned with her own bare arm .
5 For a second , it shared with him an existence of utter misery and unbearable agony — the frustration of an active intelligence trapped in a twisted body .
6 The newt clutched desperately at the cotton smock where it covered the great chest and there it clung with its little claw-like feet .
7 That 's as far as it goes with me .
8 Anyway , that 's the way it goes with me , I 'm afraid .
9 Liz and her family love colour , although she admits that she gets into a rut buying navy and black ‘ because it goes with everything ’ .
10 Her kiss is hard and wild ; it goes with her ‘ screaming ’ eyes .
11 Sometimes , waiting on the Embankment in the summer gloaming , one would become conscious of an approaching figure , and an arm would be slipped round one 's waist , and a voice , in imitation of Bing Crosby , would croon , ‘ Moonlight becomes you , it goes with your hair ’ , and then one had to move away , tactfully , but smartly .
12 Moonlight becomes you it goes with your hair and it it 's so romantic to know moonlight becomes you so
13 Having lived there f for a few years , erm how did it contrast with what you actually expected ?
14 Like the G40 , it impresses with its throttle response and low-rev urge , but while the supercharged car is merely annoyingly noisy at speed , the GT brings a headache .
15 And you hear it , how it soothes with its gentle patter
16 She 'd been feeling sick a morning or two , but not so as it interfered with her work , and no one remarked on it .
17 Lord Home , the last Etonian prime minister , disliked politics because it interfered with his sport .
18 He would run the United States like a business , with little regard for the Constitution if it interfered with his plans , declare martial law to combat the drug problem , eliminate Social Security or the entire defence budget if it was thought necessary to meet the government 's deficit , and remove the power of Congress to raise taxes .
19 Even Elena 's advice could be unwelcome when it interfered with his contemplation of the project .
20 So far from killing himself over Wolfgang , he would not have hesitated to end the liaison if it interfered with his plans . ’
21 Er , I ca n't say that I , I , I , I know they did do that yes , but I ca n't say that it er it interfered with us much and I ca n't er , ev ever think of anybody , you know wh sort of talking about it like in any respect .
22 It interfered with your peace of mind .
23 It lived with them .
24 Perhaps women choose this style because it fits with their own , perfectly valid interactional or social goals .
25 Everything fits into your regime , and we 'll have it in two stages so it fits with your insulin levels as well .
26 It met with their approval , they landed , and stayed until the spring .
27 It met with their approval and Her Majesty will visit the branch , see the cash centre , with its new ‘ green ’ note disposal unit , observe a video-conference meeting and get a preview of the new treasury dealing room .
28 However , it met with my instant approval : loud with the sound of waves and cry of gull .
29 Her face was like a beautiful landscape except that instead of changing with the weather , it changed with her moods .
30 And if it lies with me , I will be your last .
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