Example sentences of "it [verb] you [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It turns you to jelly .
2 For the first year or so it turns you into a kind of psychopathic animal and then suddenly , like a butterfly emerging from the pupa , you sprout wings , your heart opens , you become … charming .
3 ‘ No , ’ said Aline , suddenly serious , ‘ it is only that the step from perfectly ordinary things into the miraculous seems to me so small , almost accidental , that I wonder why it astonishes you at all , or why you trouble to reason about it .
4 It got you from A to B in one piece , as Adam 's father remarked sneeringly of it .
5 Every time you think you 've sussed this game it kicks you in the arse . ’
6 There was a word for that kind of thing : it branded you as a ‘ premature anti-Fascist ’ .
7 I found the way here when I was a boy , and it spoils you for the human world .
8 It hates you for putting it there , but is loyal to you because you bring it food .
9 So it behoves you to be wary when planting .
10 Mm , so what if could erm , could come up with a policy , that you pay your premiums in , but it covers you for the whole of your life .
11 Within the Rolling Stone thing , I mean , part of it has you as the chief designer and you have to accept the notion that two heads are better than one , which means designers can not
12 Er , you only just have to say , well you know , would it suit you for me to come in
13 It knocks you on your heels does n't it ? .
14 What , it bash you in the back of the neck ?
15 You said that you have a good job — does n't it bring you into contact with all sorts ?
16 ‘ Once they jam in the needles , it distances you from thinking of smoking . ’
17 As soon as you think you 've got it licked , it smacks you in the face .
18 it , it , it looks a lot nicer than Works and yo it allows you to , obviously it allows you to access Windows fonts , which is a great advantage .
19 it bundles you into the Baby Austin
20 you know , but , one of them it shows you inside the side view of the cabinet
21 It assaults you with raw power , deafens you with engine and wind noise , roasts you in the stark cockpit .
22 What a difference it makes , it costs you at least ten pounds a night
23 Erm and then of course there would be a I do n't know what the rates of interest are or the payback period but the erm of course the longer the payback period the more it costs you in the end so .
24 If you follow it along from the historical site it leads you to a perfect waterfall , and then to a point where flat grass lies between the vertical gorge sides .
25 ‘ The thing to do now is to explain the situation as it affects you at present .
26 He said , ‘ If it reassures you at all , I 'm not Drugs Squad and I 'm not Special Branch .
27 I see nothing wrong in competition at an early age because it prepares you for later life when everyone has to face it .
28 Everything here at the college is geared up for those with no sight , or very little , which really does help because it prepares you for University training really , where they are n't geared up for you .
29 It showed you about everything as
30 And what 's the point of a journey that seems very pleasant if it gets you to the wrong place !
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