Example sentences of "it [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 Why it failed to be a British launching pad for Continental-style progress in traffic calming is an issue well worth investigating .
2 It 'appens to be private . ’
3 Nor is it proving to be .
4 It got to be a bloody bind .
5 It got to be hard to handle , so she bought herself a small file box and some packages of 2 × 3 cards .
6 It got to be such a strain , though .
7 It 's a question of safety , it got to be
8 Er ploughmen and horsemen were the elite of farm workers and the sons would could only aspire to do what they did and And er eventually I suspect it got to be a little more organized and er they had these little games of of ploughing matches , maybe in a rudimentary farm to begin with , but it eventually came to be as we see it today , over a long period of time .
9 The DC then changes state to ACTIVE , thus allowing the modules to which it refers to be updated , using the package through which the DC has been activated .
10 Whatever the merits of this argument , what it points to is the way in which the complexities of these tensions found their focus in the questions of sexuality .
11 Worried that his brother might be close to a nervous collapse , he refrained from spelling it out bluntly , but what it amounted to was this : Do n't kick the bourgeois while they are still feeding you .
12 He used a lot of abstruse terms like " cricoid " but what it amounted to was that she had been strangled .
13 Herod Antipas , tetrarch ( a title for a ruler who was not considered important enough to have the rank of king ; again it amounted to being a ‘ governor ’ ) of Galilee .
14 The situations encountered during an MAS engagement are too varied for that ever to be possible , nor is it intended to be a substitute for discussion within the network .
15 Nor is it intended to be any kind of technological treatise .
16 It is still in its infancy and not as abstract as it aspires to be . ’
17 In this sense it aspires to being context-free .
18 Novell also has a problem in Rothstein 's eyes : ‘ what does it want to be when it grows up ?
19 er does it want to be
20 It became to be regarded as one of the finest printers in Europe and , as such , flourished until the middle of the nineteenth century .
21 The leasor 's father " … in his life tyme , did say that the making of a quintall of Copper did then stand but in 17s or 18s , and but of late years 25s , and yet ( in the present time ) it seemeth to be rated sometimes at 32s a Quintall , and now very lately charged with an encrease of 1s of every Quintall …
22 ‘ Well , ’ Lady Wardley said , ‘ whoever it belongs to is a trespasser .
23 I used to have a file , but I found that , as with so many files one opens , I was putting so much in it that it ceased to be useful .
24 Apologists for the House of Lords argue that it ceased to be the exclusive preserve of the upper classes with the creation of Life Peerages in 1958 .
25 Heretics posed a more serious problem , but , happily , after the elimination of the aggressively Arian Vandal kingdom in North Africa , and the conversion of the Arian Goths and Burgundians to Catholicism , it ceased to be a pressing practical one .
26 Prisoners passed through the place so fast that it ceased to be a camp in the true sense altogether .
27 This usually put Dad to rights but must have been pretty potent stuff as it ceased to be available after the war .
28 In the eighteenth century it ceased to be needed as a fortress in the military sense , and in the latter part of that century the conversion of the inside into a palace was begun .
29 On his view the fact that it ceased to be a probability , and did occur , is something that might not have happened .
30 ‘ In determining the total liability of an institution to a depositor for the purposes of subsection ( 1 ) above , or the liability or total liability of an institution to a depositor for the purposes of subsection ( 2 ) above , no account shall be taken of any liability in respect of a deposit if … ( c ) the institution is a former authorised institution and the deposit was made after it ceased to be an authorised institution or a recognised bank or licensed institution under the Banking Act 1979 unless , at the time the deposit was made , the depositor did not know and could not reasonably be expected to have known that it had ceased to be an authorised institution , recognised bank or licensed institution . ’
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