Example sentences of "it [verb] come to " in BNC.

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1 More recently , and perhaps begging the question of its mental significance , it has come to be known as the Readiness Potential ( RP ) .
2 Brailsford quite categoricaliy rejects the idea that group aggression was part of the spectacle in the way it has come to be since the 1960s .
3 Sadly it has come to nothing .
4 And why , when it has come to the crunch , have British governments of all political persuasions given it such unswerving support ?
5 A machine may well perform these tasks for him for some considerable period of time , but it has come to be accepted that once the brain can be shown to be dead , the machine is not keeping the patient ‘ alive ’ in any accepted sense of the word ; it is merely ventilating a corpse .
6 In compound form it has come to be used in paint as a pigment , in plastics as a stabiliser and in petrol as an anti-knock agent .
7 ‘ It is jolly sad that it has come to this but I am not surprised , ’ she said last night .
8 ‘ We all feared this might happen and now it has come to the worst , ’ said one church-goer arriving for the service .
9 He shocks deliberately : it has come to be expected of him so he will oblige .
10 We lived together happily for many years and now it has come to killing each other 's babies .
11 It has come to my attention that students have been copying software with staff encouragement .
12 They also object on the grounds that , while Sotheby 's disclaims any ownership interest in the treasure and was merely the agent for Lord Northampton , they are by no means convinced that this is the case , especially as it has come to light during the discovery process that the former chairman of Sotheby 's , the late Peter Wilson , played the leading role in the treasure 's acquisition and had a share in its value , inherited by his sons , Thomas and Philip .
13 Subsequently it has come to be accepted without misgiving by public opinion in West Germany .
14 At the same time , it has come to be seen — particularly by its own practitioners — as a serious subject .
15 I 'm surprised at my abilities and how easily it has come to me .
16 ‘ Try a selection from the Desert Song , topped up with a few choruses of Cool clear Water , Midnight at the Oasis or Caravans which may convince your bird that it has come to wrong place .
17 Moreover , it is unlikely to be in such a position until it has come to grips with the broader contradictions underlying its current operation — its devotion to the Common Agricultural Policy on the one hand and its ambition to recruit the states of Central Europe as members on the other .
18 Thus , it has come to be that the disability ‘ professionals ’ and us , their ‘ clients ’ , live within the carefully crafted , mechanical embrace of ‘ care ’ .
19 The farming lobby has also pursued a policy of agricultural exceptionalism when it has come to the institution of a wide range of welfare and safety measures .
20 Following Mr Singh 's purchase of neighbouring land for a supermarket , it has come to my knowledge that , reluctantly , customer car parking facilities demand that he also purchase ‘ The Tip ’ for a car park .
21 It has come to my mind that it is contrasting er spiritual
22 Now it has come to my own turn and I do n't like it . ’
23 From being a comprehensive Weltanschauung , in which there were to be found , according to Gramsci , all the elements that are needed for the construction of a new ‘ integral civilization ’ , it has come to be regarded by many thinkers as a much more limited and tentative body of thought , which is far from being able to predict , in any detail or with any certainty , the future development of society , or to offer anything but the roughest of guides to political action .
24 It has come to the attention of the IBOA that there may be pressure put on members to accept a Voluntary Redundancy or Early Retirement Package in the near future .
25 It is not so , except perhaps in the most formal of speaking styles , where a sentence may fall to a low point in the voice and be followed by a substantial silence , and we know that it has come to an end .
26 I think that Yugoslavia as we know it has come to an end .
27 It has come to some tentative conclusions about the relationship between the quality of argument and computer software .
28 They would have read about these things happening , but now it has come to their own door it has been greeted with great sadness . ’
29 ‘ Yes , it has come to that , I suppose .
30 But that 's what it has come to .
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