Example sentences of "it [verb] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But I , but I think you know the , the , the thing that I found erm most difficult as you say was , was actually completing the C C Q and I think part of it and asking the question but it is , certainly it would be easier to do it using that on your knee rather than doing it at the table because I was aware that I was turning away
2 Setting forth the goal of " establishing a new and equitable global partnership " , it affirmed that in order to achieve sustainable development , environmental protection should constitute an integral part of the development process , and not be considered in isolation from it .
3 At the same time it ruled that in the case of Pontevedra in north-western Spain , where eight seats were at issue as the result of apparent polling irregularities , elections would have to be repeated in about 30 polling areas .
4 Yet it thinks that despite the aggressiveness of the programme , ‘ Alpha may be too little , too late . ’
5 ‘ From the beginning , that court has acted upon no narrow view of the cases covered by its duty to quash a conviction when it thinks that on any ground there was a miscarriage of justice …
6 Its mission — and it thinks that within two years it will achieve it — is 10% .
7 There was clearly a close friendship between them , and the Office gives a moving account of his efficacy in curing her of some kind of fit : He came and found her mute , but when he had seated himself at her window and they had eaten together , it chanced that at the end of the dinner the recluse wished to sleep , and oppressed by slumber her head drooped towards the window where God 's saint , Richard , was reclining , and as she was leaning a litle on that same Richard , suddenly , with a vehement onslaught , such a grave vexation took her in her sleep that she seemed to wish to break the window of her house , and in that strong vexation she awoke , her speech was restored , and with great devotion she broke out into the words " Gloria tibi Domine " , and the blessed Richard completed the verse which she had begun .
8 It argued that without them : it would not be possible , in practice , to operate a system of resale price maintenance because it would be impracticable for each publisher to specify his own conditions of sale ; booksellers would find it impossible to comply with all the varied terms imposed by different publishers ; booksellers would lose their assurance that they were not being undercut ; and the Association itself could not effectively monitor individual resale agreements .
9 It argued that in talking about inner cities it was vital to think in terms not just of individuals , but of society ; that the multiple deprivations of the worst hit areas affected all the residents ; that the consequences included a pervasive sense of neglect and decay , a decline in community spirit , a low standard of neighbourhood facilities , and an increase in crime and vandalism ; and that , without government intervention , the future was one of reduced job opportunities , deteriorating housing , and a decline in public services .
10 It concludes that during its lifetime such a car will produce : * 44.3 tonnes of carbon dioxide ; * 4.8 kg of sulphur dioxide ; * 46.8 kg of nitrogen oxide ; * 325 kg of carbon monoxide ; * 36 kg of hydrocarbons ; * 26.5 tonnes of waste .
11 Like many other academic initiatives , it seems to have gone largely unnoticed at the time , and its historical importance has been perhaps exaggerated by those who live between the covers of books , yet it illustrates that in Germany freedom is considered primarily as freedom from an occupying power , from external political domination .
12 I have heard it objected that in every book of hers there is a smell of onions , and that this is intended to show observation .
13 It found that on average , women expect to be taken out to dinner ten times before they 'll have sex with a man . ’
14 The Five Civilised Nations Museum in Muskogee , Oklahoma , that normally shows and sells Indian art , closed down an exhibition in 1991 when it found that at least a third of its ‘ Indian ’ artists had no tribal documentation .
15 It found that at 5 July , 1991 , the Western Isles authority had suffered a total loss of more than £24 million because of the fall of the bank .
16 It found that in 20% of the cases the white man advanced further than the black .
17 It found that in the 3 years since the first survey , crime had moved from third place to the top of people ‘ s list of problems affecting their neighbourhood .
18 It found that in Britain , the number of car users killed was 7.1 per billion vehicle kilometres — the lowest figure in Europe and less than half the EC average , 16 .
19 It emphasises that in the final analysis it is not what the electors , or judges , or a returning officer may say , but what the House itself says , which determines whether a successful candidate may take a seat .
20 It transpired that during the war he had been a medical officer in the German Wehrmacht fighting on the Eastern Front .
21 It holds that across all cultures and forms of social arrangement women have been kept in subservience to men .
22 It adds that over the period , other areas will expand .
23 It believed that under socialism all nationalism would be irrelevant since there would be no need to organise market forces against one another in competing nationalities .
24 It believed that by accepting the South African government view that it had no jurisdiction there , the USA was giving implicit recognition to the nominally independent homeland of Bophuthatswana .
25 If his claim stands up , it establishes that at least part of the redshift in the light from some astronomical objects is not produced simply by their recession from us in the expanding Universe , and that blunts the cutting edge of the most important tool in observational cosmology .
26 It stipulated that at least 60 per cent of lending had to go to the private sector , and no more than 40 per cent to infrastructure projects .
27 Sometimes it happens that after a number of successive doses like this , the patient will have the beginnings of an aggravation : the medicine should be stopped for two to four days ( or a few hours in acute disease ) and in order to continue treatment you want to give the remedy now in a more diluted form : from the first cup ( not the bottle ) take one teaspoonful and dilute it in another cup , and one teaspoonful of this solution should be given to the patient .
28 The manner of the defeat and the Forest fans ' reaction to it signalled that after 18 trophy-filled years under Brian Clough , the club could really be in trouble .
29 It added that on present trends , the number of children being born each year was likely to peak in about the year 2000 .
30 It added that after liberation " the Kuwaiti people would be governed by " the legitimate regime which they chose and are satisfied with " .
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