Example sentences of "it [verb] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The total cost of the part and the percentage of the total cost it represents is entered in the last two columns and the same is done for the function costs in the bottom three rows .
2 The total cost of the part and the percentage of the total cost it represents is entered in the last two columns and the same is done for the function costs in the bottom three rows .
3 It was particularly critical of the role played in the scandal by Col. Clyde Walker , head of the self-defence force , whom it recommended should be dismissed , and that of former Minister of Communications and Public Works Vere Bird Jr , son of the Prime Minister , who it recommended be barred from resuming public office .
4 It does n't know for certain , so it simply doubles whatever free space it thinks is left — after all the software is n't psychic and ca n't know what files are going to wind up on the hard disk .
5 The Campaign is lobbying for reforms that it thinks are needed to end what it sees as largescale use of misleading sales techniques used by the photocopier industry .
6 It admitted being hit by the growing trend of big companies to place all their insurance business on a single policy .
7 It admitted being hit by the growing trend of big companies to place all their insurance business on a single policy .
8 the most important time aspect of a planation surface is from the latest possible time of initiation of the cycle that produced it to the earliest possible time that it ceased being shaped ( i.e. its terminal date ) because of either burial or uplift ;
9 A layer 2 inches ( 5 cm ) thick suppresses weed growth , reduces moisture evaporation , is easily scratched open to help air penetration , and as it decomposes is pulled down into the soil by worms .
10 Fears that the Government was putting constraints on research it commissions were fuelled when , last year , the then DHSS inserted a new clause in its contract with outside researchers .
11 The earthenwares it produced were marked in several ways .
12 The convention which it produced was signed by 119 delegations but the problems which caused the conference to drag on for so long are anything but solved .
13 But the characteristic of this puss forming organism is that the legions it produces are wooled off , that is they 're relatively localized .
14 The timber industry has re-started , but most of the wood it produces is needed for military and official purposes .
15 Any noise it made was lost in the wind .
16 Any sound it made was lost in the green murk .
17 An extra charge of one shilling ( 5p ) was made for permission to view the house , and the £5,500 it made was added to the Queen 's charitable fund .
18 The word click is onomatopoeic in itself , and the neat , abrupt quality of the sound it signifies is echoed in the final /t/ consonance of discreet and shut , and by the initial /d/ alliteration of discreet and door .
19 Most government debt as it matures is rolled over , but the maturity of the replacement debt can have a significant influence on the yield curve in the form of humps in the market segment in which the debt is placed ( i.e. , the debt is placed at a relatively low price and a relatively high yield ) .
20 From 1824 to 1839 , he was in charge of a penal colony on Moreton Bay , Queensland , and when the colony was made a free settlement in 1842 , the town and river on which it stands were called Brisbane in his honour .
21 It might be considered surprising that the firm refused to supply British Rail with a copy of its report prior to publication , even though much of the information it used was obtained in its capacity as consulting engineers to the BR board in relation to a planning appeal for a location to the north end of the King 's Cross site .
22 Essentially a text orientated language , it has been expanded to give graphics capability .
23 It never drops below magnitude 10.5 , and at maximum it may rise to 5.9 , so that it is then on the fringe of naked-eye visibility and is easy in any binoculars ; it is distinguished by its intense redness , and it has been nicknamed the Crimson Star .
24 It has been tailored for its purpose and has been tested extensively over the past 12 years .
25 The standard method of recovery must be taught because it has been proven to be effective during testing .
26 Physically it is costly because it has been proven to cause ulcers , arthritis and all sorts of other conditions .
27 Chair of the Fire Board , Councillor Bill Axon , said : ‘ The Fire Service has been perceived as a male-dominated , macho career where women ca n't participate , but it has been proven in other brigades that women can take part on an equal footing to males . ’
28 It has been proven in trials to be one of the most accurate machines of its kind , comparing well with laboratory standard equipment .
29 Gould ) , and the House of Lords ( of which it has been asked whether we can continue to afford it as a court of ultimate resort in criminal law , a question prompted less by economics than by an expositor 's desire for consistency ) .
30 In particular , it has been asked whether there are political mechanisms , other than dictatorship , that , without restricting the nature of the preferences of voters and the choices that they can make , do not give rise to the non-existence problem .
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