Example sentences of "it [verb] i [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 In the next house you see I shall have to have different seating , they , they , I 'm going to , I 'm going to get somewhere smaller , so that three piece suite , it owes me nothing it only cost me what seven hundred pounds
2 But it owes me nothing now .
3 And it costs me nothing .
4 It tells me something .
5 It tells me nothing about my children , and I should n't have to keep contacting the Social Work Department to find out how they are .
6 I just feel that it tells me nothing about them . ’
7 It gave me something that I am sure I can put back into the local community , ’ he said .
8 I was able to explore a lot of ideas and possibilities through Project 81 , and it gave me something to concentrate on .
9 it gave me something every bit as bad
10 It gave me something to do as well .
11 It gave me something to fight for , the knowledge that there was still one uncorrupted heart somewhere , one thing pure and unchanged .
12 Dear Aura of Life , Thank you for jumping and kicking me in tender places cos it gives me something to cuddle — a bruised gut .
13 This is the very reason a member of the steering group gave for becoming involved in the project : ‘ It gives me something else to do , gets me out of the factory [ adult training centre ] and is less boring . ’
14 I mean , my mother left money for me , it 's in a trust , it gives me something , but he wo n't let me touch the rest of it or set up in anything , he 's a trustee .
15 It gives me something else to think about , ’ said Eleanor with a catch in her voice .
16 She only has one when I make it , it gives me something more to do .
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