Example sentences of "it [verb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So shall we change it make it a hundred miles an hour .
2 From then on , throughout the fifties , it doubled itself every five years .
3 That is what will keep us head and shoulders above any of our competitors even if they do wave a BS5750 certificate around as though it guarantees them a divine right to business success .
4 Without trying looking very heavily at these type of sales , where savings plans have been sold for future mortgages , erm , the clients are left thinking it 's building up money for their , for their deposit , for their legal fees , and it guarantees them a mortgage at sometime in the future .
5 It guarantees YOU a lump sum — either on your 65th birthday or after ten years , whichever is later .
6 Whatever , it got him a long , heartfelt , high-pitched ‘ Wooooooooooooooo ’ from about 20,000 people who 'd got little else to wooo about .
7 It concerned him the more to see that Titch , also , appeared to have no eyes for anything but the Wheel .
8 And it concerned him an awful lot and it it it irritated him and frustrated him and I think he set his sights on trying to do something about it in his his way .
9 Moreover , where a woman dares not register her non-consent because of a man 's violent or frightening behaviour , the law is permitting him to benefit from his own wrong if it grants him a defence on the basis of an honest but unreasonable belief in consent .
10 Did it throw you a bit did it ?
11 Alright did that make it make it a little bit better ?
12 In a sense this Northern mythology asks more of men , even makes more of them , than does Christianity , for it offers them no heaven , no salvation , no reward for virtue except the sombre satisfaction of having done what is right .
13 Now I understand that top level sailors welcome the one-design nature of the Grand Prix , not only because it is potentially inexpensive , but because it offers them an even platform from which to display their skills .
14 It offers them an alternative to expensive air fares .
15 It offers them an environmentally responsible means of handling sodium sulphate while providing overall economic benefits , ’ said product development manager Sarah Galbraith .
16 Cooke says : ‘ Egg pasta is certainly preferred by many chefs not only because of its excellent colour and flavour , but because it offers them the possibility of upgrading their pasta menus , thus increasing their profits . ’
17 But what makes this machine really special is that it offers you the chance to create an unlimited range of embroidery designs .
18 With its creation and destruction of individuals , it offers us a presentiment of the primordial unity that lies behind the world of phenomena .
19 Firstly , I believe , it offers us an interesting way of interpreting images of seclusion and withdrawal .
20 It produced what the French defence minister , Charles Hernu , described to the French parliament as a ‘ new radioactive situation . ’
21 ‘ Katherine , I am glad we had that little talk before dinner , even if it made me a trifle nervous .
22 And so that , it made me a tougher than I should have been .
23 It made me a little uneasy .
24 But apparently they know that I 'm really forward which is absolute , actually not very true cos Ed said that I was quite forward and he , I was only forward with him because the person I got off with just before him was bloody forward and it made me a bit forward but I calmed down after that , you know ?
25 Ironically , it was so bitter that it made him a liability to the early Fascist movement , from whose main body he was later to break away .
26 As Gloucester 's power grew , it made him a better lord for the affinity as a whole .
27 I am saying this to show you the other side of Basil — this firmness — this absolute integrity — if you believe in a thing lie would say , even if it made him a bit unpopular , which I think is marvellous .
28 As Gloucester 's power grew , it made him a better lord for the affinity as a whole .
29 It made her a bit uncomfortable .
30 If truth were told , it made her a lot more than simply afraid , but telling him that would simply add to his ammunition .
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