Example sentences of "it [verb] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Mahwah , New Jersey-based Israeli company Defense Software & Systems Inc says it agreed with Israel Corp Ltd for a joint venture to be incorporated in the US to hold an 80.1% interest in Tower Semiconductor Ltd , the name chosen for the company being formed to own and operate National Semiconductor Corp 's existing facility in Migdal Haemek , Israel , running it as an independent semiconductor business .
2 Despite the many problems which still faced the proposal to introduce an EC-wide company charter , the Commission defused some of the more acrimonious disputes surrounding company taxation , when it agreed in April 1990 to drop plans for an EC-wide system of personal and corporation tax , in favour of a policy of co-ordinating the various existing systems .
3 The success experienced among the eastern Angles with the conversion of Eorpwald may have been due in part at least to the influence of older patterns established by missionaries in the time of Raedwald , but nevertheless it testifies to Eadwine 's real influence in the East Anglian area at this time .
4 The very brief account she gave now was selective — it referred to Anna but not to Anna 's story ; Rome was a place of origin ; there was no mention of a Mena or a Mr James ( Simon she could not entirely subdue ) , the prince was a bare name .
5 It plays with Godard 's Une Femme est une Femme , made the following year , both graceful and romantic tributes to the MGM musical comedy , and to their vibrant stars , Anouk Amiee and Anna Karina .
6 It plays with Godard 's Une Femme est une Femme , made the following year , both graceful and romantic tributes to the MGM musical comedy , and to their vibrant stars , Anouk Amiee and Anna Karina .
7 However , in 1965 it was given to the National Tramway Museum to care for , and it operated at Crich in the Derbyshire hills from 1965–1971 , when 59 was withdrawn as needing extensive overhaul .
8 Half of this increase occurred in America , where the farmed area trebled in this period ( it quintupled in Australia and grew two-and-a-half times in Canada ) .
9 It differs from Ophiotoma in having one distinct tentacle scale , only 3 as opposed to 4–5 arm spines the proximal arm spines are transformed into hooks , the ventral arm plates are more rounded and pentagonal , and are contiguous at least proximally .
10 How it differs from Liphook , however , is that the head teacher is wise enough to understand that all children are individuals and what works for one may not work so well for another .
11 But it differs from Hanson in its attachment to fancier activities , where men in white coats are essential .
12 On 1 December , the IDA applied for permission for an asbestos waste dump on land it owned at Curraghbinny , an exclusive residential and scenic area of Co .
13 It also applied for planning permission to dump at another site it owned at Barnahely , Ringaskiddy .
14 Within the last 18 months , the company has sold : its European silicones business to Rhone-Poulenc for £30million ; four businesses from its Canadian offshoot CIL ; a computer software company to managers ; a West German printing inks business ; its over-the-counter drugs business in the US and Savlon in Britain ; a Canadian building products business to Trafalgar House ; and its Coopers Animal Health , which it owned with Wellcome , to Chicago-based Pitman-Moore ; During the period it has bought : Cambridge research Biochemicals ; a privatelyowned US acrylics company , K-S-H ; Rayca Chemical Corporation , which makes chemicals for the US textiles industry .
15 At Force Mills , follow the road leading up to Satterthwaite , keep on it as it crosses over Grizedale Beck .
16 Saudi Arabia , however , believing that the IEA was being too pessimistic about future demand , was unofficially estimated to have increased its production by some 150,000 bpd to 8,500,000 bpd ( excluding 150,000 bpd Saudi production from the neutral zone which it shared with Kuwait ) .
17 Ferranti expects to take delivery today of the report it commissioned from Coopers and Lybrand on the alleged fraud .
19 It turns from Proust 's text and looks outward to the language system in general ; and at the same time it represents de Man 's voice speaking from outside and intruding into Proust 's text .
20 In the face of a severe crisis relating to international reserves the government devalued the currency twice , in February and in March , and allowed it to float in September .
21 The train was n't stopping until it got to London ; there were other people in the carriage and surely these men would n't dare try anything here , now .
22 and it worked , and it got over to Australia , it got unpacked and it still worked when it got to Australia , and it went on the stand and it stood on the stand for a week or however long it was .
23 Long before er it got to Oldfield Speedy was offside .
24 The message got round and it got round Haddon Hall like wildfire that I wanted David Bowie to be a cabaret star .
25 And talking of cards , ’ she went on quickly as it registered with Fabia that if adding Cara 's name to hers on any card she sent home was n't lying , then she did n't know what was , ‘ you 'd better take a couple of my business cards . ’
26 It revealed in September that it was looking for either an outright buyer or a substantial injection of capital for a minority stake in order to expand the publication .
27 Rhodes Music Radio ( RMR ) became the first campus radio station to broadcast live , when it transmitted to Grahamstown during the Standard Bank National Festival in July .
28 Through a second marriage it passed to William Baker who on the death of his son in 1775 is registered as of this parish i.e. Upper Hailing .
29 For two centuries it was under the Habsburgs , but in the fifteenth it passed to Zurich .
30 In 1802 the Reverend John Piggot sold the manor , and it passed through Hattons , Agaces , Ferards and Schoolcroft Burtons ; from 1901 until 1920 it was the dower house to the widowed Lady Wantage .
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