Example sentences of "it [verb] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 Because it involves looking at text and response on the three different linguistic levels , teachers find themselves thinking and talking about language itself quite differently .
2 Learning how to solve problems is a more complex activity in that it involves thinking at a higher level .
3 Playing with a puppy for a period beforehand often helps to make it want to sleep at night .
4 Apart from generalities relating to balanced inclined planes , one patent sought to protect details of the lift as a whole ; the second sought to protect the device of gradually reducing the gradient of the upper end of the incline to balance the apparent loss in weight of the descending tank as it became immersed at the lower level .
5 However , it became established at Woodford and through Warner 's generosity offshoots were distributed , as were many other rarities raised by him from seeds brought in from the Far East .
6 Lindsay , 38 , of Knowle , near Solihull , West Midlands , said later : ‘ It beats shopping at Tesco and certainly livened up a dull afternoon . ’
7 It beats waiting at Heathrow every time .
8 Reading was difficult for me , especially when it involved looking at the chalkboard , and I soon found myself being classed as ‘ thick ’ .
9 The sun broke through , it stopped raining at last .
10 It needs looking at . ’
11 It needs working at .
12 Holding your breath builds up tension and shallow breathing denies your body the oxygen it needs to function at maximum efficiency .
13 With a relatively tiny home market , Ericsson is always short of the resources it needs to stay at the leading edge of its chosen industry , where the cost of major development projects is measured in hundreds of millions of dollars , and although it has developed its own TMOS Telecommunications Management and Operations Support software suite — which runs under Unix — it needs the muscle of a company like Hewlett-Packard to exploit the product .
14 They say that it wes the different claes that done it — the way the butler dressed — an it hed looked at the claes an taen a bad wey o the claes .
15 If a product fails to sell well , the company may be left with a lot of unwanted stock which it has to sell at a reduced price
16 It is small wonder that Dr Underwood finds it a ‘ little disconcerting ’ as the inference of the inquiry , as far as it has gone at present , would appear to be that it is better for a child to stay in East London sleeping irregular hours in ill ventilated shelters and eating fish and chips than to have fresh air conditions in one of our Camps with regular hours of sleep and plenty of well prepared wholesome food ( in which vegetables fresh from the garden play a large part ) forming a diet balanced in accordance with the best advice obtainable from the Board of Education and others …
17 To the east , in Wollo , the Save the Children Fund is intensively feeding 700 out of the 3000 children it has registered at the Korem camp .
18 It has met at regular quarterly intervals since then and is possibly the oldest meeting of its kind in Ireland .
19 Over the last three years it has killed at least 20 people .
20 It is perhaps surprising that it has survived at all , yet there are pockets in this country where these lifetime associations are still meaningful .
21 However , while the fact that it does lead to the possibility of new tests makes an hypothesis worthy of investigation , it will not rank as an improvement on the problematic theory it is designed to replace until it has survived at least some of those tests .
22 I am saying that , as an organisation , it can not cope with the work it has to do at the present time .
23 Editor , — It is true , as James Owen Drife points out , that it has become at least partially acceptable for women to stereotype the worst of male behaviour and make fun of it , but somehow I find it hard to feel sorry for him .
24 However , while Moscow has not possessed de jure foreign bases since the mid 1950s it has obtained at times such extensive control over certain installations that they have resembled extraterritorial enclaves and de facto bases .
25 But it has remained at levels comparable to those of the 1960s .
26 The ratio of girls to boys going to university fluctuated from 70 per cent in 1925 ; 50 per cent in 1937 ; 47 per cent in 1950 ; 50 per cent in 1960 ; 66 per cent in 1973 ; and it has remained at that level since .
27 It has remained at approximately the same latitude since its discovery but it has changed in size , reaching its maximum size of 40 000 × 13 000 km about 100 years ago .
28 Unfortunately on these occasions , all too often the prick of conscience , if it has operated at all , is instantly suppressed before it can take control , and it is this which appears to have become the normal response .
29 Executive Support Manager Allan Paterson looks back over the TOP Programme as it has progressed at Hunterston and considers some of its achievements .
30 Although the board paid an interim dividend of 0.65 pence , it has decided at this stage to invest its funds in the business — the amount available , says chairman Rupert Bayfield , would have been negligible anyway .
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