Example sentences of "it [adj] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 This time in three weeks it will all be over , we 'll all be sat there thinking well was it bloody worth it , all that hard work money and rushing about , is it worth it ?
2 ‘ I hope you do n't think it strange of me to sit here , ’ said Reni .
3 It was my grandparents who raised me , who gave me an education , who made it possible through their sacrifices to become what I am today . ’
4 Long underground galleries of 3 km or more made it possible to mine under the sea .
5 Such dreams were defeated by the means she 'd first thought would make it possible for her baby to be returned to her .
6 She always mentions them in her winner 's speech but maybe the players taking part should take a moment to think what makes it possible for them to perform , and maybe say ‘ thank you ’ for all the years of loyalty from these people , instead of getting away from them as fast as they can .
7 Advances in , for instance , the production of 64K RAMs ( memory chips that can hold around 64000 bits of information ) give Japanese manufacturers a versatility and efficiency which has made it possible for them to achieve so much in the past few years .
8 This had introduced them to mechanisms which suggested a terminology applicable to their own science making it possible for them at last to give the behaviourists , who had been giving those not of their ilk a hard time , some of their own medicine .
9 They may also be able to build in some safeguards which would make it possible for them to give permission .
10 Yet there is striking evidence that carts and wagons had been much improved , and that bridges were being built in many parts to make it possible for them to go longer distances .
11 GLC funding made it possible for them to conduct a research project into the lives of young lesbians and gays .
12 From these women 's descriptions of their days , it is clear that rarely , if ever , is it possible for them to make this distinction either .
13 The chemical agent which they contain , making it possible for them to use water in the photosynthetic process , is chlorophyll , which is also possessed by true algae and the higher plants .
14 Advertising made it possible for them to distribute news practically free of charge , with the profit coming from marketing .
15 Their long-lived presence made it possible for them to act as a kind of semi-permanent critique of newer cultural trends .
16 Not only had Cora-Beth been incredibly patient and understanding about his reluctance to become engaged these past two years , but during that period of his life she had somehow made it possible for them to renew their old easy friendship .
17 She had called it ‘ Death in the Buildings ’ , and had based it not only on the tragedy she had witnessed , but had also written of the temptation for young girls to make money by selling themselves than by working long hours for poor pay , and had followed that by writing of women 's disabilities in a world where care in childbirth was minimal , and how only the kindness of humane doctors made it possible for them to have any skilled treatment at all .
18 If the patient had hobbies before his stroke or head injury , such as drawing , painting or needlepoint , you should try to make it possible for him to take them up again .
19 It was a belief in a designing and orderly God which made it possible for him to think there might be a consistent cause for his ‘ headaches ’ .
20 His acceptance of what he calls ‘ the doctrine of the manyness of reality ’ , by which he probably means that reality can be conceived of in many different ways , makes it possible for him to approve of the non-creative aspect of God as propounded by the Jains , and the creative aspect of God as propounded by Rāmānuja the foremost exponent of the Viśi ādvaita position .
21 Although the first two rounds of this year 's Davis Cup , one week after the Australian Open and then a week after Lipton , made it possible for him to fit them into his tournament programme for the first three months of the year when his number one ranking was under such threat , he says , ‘ The Davis Cup is certainly one of my priorities now . ’
22 Carter , on the other hand , not only had big majorities , but was a centrist ideologically — a self-proclaimed fiscal conservative who was also a liberal on civil rights , the environment and education , making it possible for him to straddle the historical division in the Democratic party .
23 I provided the calm , the cleanliness , the order and nourish-ment that made it possible for him to work .
24 He admired Jotan 's detachment , and concluded that it was the lack of direct involvement which made it possible for him to behave as if nothing had occurred which could be the source of concern .
25 While the politics of the time may have been sterile , it does appear to have had more than its share of colourful characters ; bogus radicals like A.P.T.James and Chanka Maharaj ; the legendary and fabulously wealthy Bhadase Maraj , who was an American-style ward boss ; Norman Tang , whose mastery of the ‘ art ’ of inscrutability made it possible for him to ‘ develop the reputation of being the only minister never accused by the Civil Service of political interference ’ .
26 Over the last fifteen years , successive governments have taken the view that the best way to preserve great houses is to make it possible for their traditional owners to maintain them .
27 This led to a surplus of qualified workers and made it possible for their work and pay to be devalued .
28 Kovalenko concluded that it was ‘ highly improbable that the five ASEAN countries , which lack adequate political , economic and military strength to force the imperialist powers to withdraw from Southeast Asia and thus make it possible for its people independently to determine their future , will be able to solve this question on their own ’ .
29 All in all , you will find that your chances of happiness together under the same roof will depend very largely upon your ability to respect and accept her individuality , to see that she gets her share of family affection , to make it possible for her to keep usefully occupied ( within her limitations ) in the home , and to engage as far as she can in all the outside interests she has always enjoyed .
30 Brooke-Rose 's encounter with Lacanian theories of subjectivity made it possible for her to relinquish her last link with realism by breaking with the notion of character as discrete individual .
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