Example sentences of "to whether they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Older people we know want to be offered more ways of preventing illness , so you know , they have to really be informed , er we want them to know about it so then they can make the choice as to whether they take it up with their G P .
2 Nonetheless , the requirement to classify capital instruments according to whether they contain an obligation to transfer economic benefits does not apply to shares issued by the reporting company .
3 Each pie chart shows the proportion of axes found in three areas , classified as to whether they came from the south Downs , Wessex , East Anglia or other mines ( after Craddock et al , 1983 ) .
4 From the buffet we could see the restaurant where a ten-piece dance band was playing ‘ Mambo italiano ’ and about thirty couples danced various improvisations on the Western dances according to whether they came from Leningrad , peking , or East Berlin , where the TV picks up the Western stations .
5 In the absence of differential income and capital gains taxes , transaction costs , etc. , shareholders will be indifferent as to whether they receive their return in the form of dividends or capital gains .
6 IBOA members in Northern Ireland are to be balloted as to whether they wish to accept or reject the Recommendation of the Tribunal .
7 WP Certainly , people respond to whether they perceive the world as threatening or reassuring .
8 Their utilitarian contribution to our welfare should not , in other words , be our criterion as to whether they survive or not .
9 The search of the general practice medical record was used to categorise patients according to whether they attended the general practice only ( n=171 ; 56% ) or whether they also attended the hospital ( n=137 ; 44% ) .
10 This is the doctrine — to put it roughly — that actions are right or wrong according as to whether they increase or decrease the amount of happiness in the world .
11 There is a long list of greenhouse plants in no need of artificial heat and an even greater number of those which do , with an indication as to whether they require a very hot stove or moderate warmth .
12 Although he found that teachers used many different strategies in helping children , individuals tended to employ a limited range of reinforcements and corrections according to whether they thought of reading as a " word-recognition skill " or a " meaning-getting process " .
13 Beliefs are acceptable or not according as to whether they succeed in their goal of conforming to reality and receive credit or discredit for this by being called true or false .
14 Prejudgments should stand or fall according to whether they pass the statutory test of section 2(2) by causing a substantial risk of serious prejudice to the proceedings in question .
15 He tried various ways of categorising events — as desirable ( arrival of a wanted new baby ) or undesirable ( compulsory redundancy ) or according to whether they represented exits from or entrances to the subject 's life .
16 We have seen how entries in the internal lexicon can be more easily or less easily accessed according to whether they correspond to words which have a high or low frequency of occurrence in language .
17 In 1961 , however , Macmillan 's Conservative Government was forced to confront the underlying weaknesses of British economic performance , and , as the Cabinet debated various strategies , the Prime Minister noted the emergence of ‘ a rather interesting and quite deep divergence of view between Ministers , really corresponding to whether they had old Whig , Liberal , laissez-faire traditions , or Tory opinions , paternalists and not afraid of a little dirigism .
18 If Woonerven had been expensive , there must be doubt as to whether they had been value for money .
19 Additional relieving officers were to be appointed to keep close watch on paupers , to enquire of neighbours and relatives as to whether they had undisclosed earnings or , in the case of single women , regular male friends capable of supporting them .
20 Thus , in the present study we evaluated gastric clearance of indigestible markers , orocaecal transit time , colonic transit time , and gall bladder contraction in two groups of diabetic patients who differed as to whether they had or did not have signs of autonomic neuropathy affecting the cardiovascular system .
21 Informed consent was obtained and patients were questioned as to whether they had experienced any upper abdominal pain or heartburn in the two weeks before endoscopy .
22 The investment hinges on market research currently being conducted among existing and prospective customers as to whether they favour an upgraded ATP or an entirely new aircraft .
23 It is not uncommon for different members of the same court to be in agreement as to the contents of the procedural duty , but to differ as to whether they describe this as resulting from natural justice or fairness .
24 ‘ It is being left to the GPs ’ discretion in certain parts of the town as to whether they believe families should be immunised . ’
25 But David Lowe , vice-president of the League of Friends of Darlington Memorial Hospital , which sent out the letters , said it was up to individual members as to whether they contributed .
26 These categories were grouped according to whether they furthered the task functions or whether they aided inter-personal relations , or socio-emotional functions , as Bales called them .
27 We propose that local authorities can be classified according to whether they appear to have assimilated the care programme approach or adapted to it .
28 There has been much debate since the Judicature Acts as to whether they did something more than fuse the two systems at a procedural level , namely to change the substantive law .
29 In a series of articles published under the title Problems in General Linguistics , Benveniste demonstrates with particular reference to the temporal and pronominal systems of the French language that linguistic items can be distinguished according to whether they include a reference to the moment or position of the utterance of a statement ( énonciation ) .
30 The phenomenon of second homes in rural areas has been quite widely researched , although there is debate as to their definition ( Dower 1977 ; Davies and O'Farrell 1981 ) and little agreement as to whether they constitute a ‘ curse or a blessing ’ ( Coppock 1977 ) .
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