Example sentences of "to what [vb -s] to " in BNC.

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1 The important thing to note is that such words will only have a value charge as part of their standard meaning , if the users of the language mostly have a certain shared attitude to what answers to the descriptive meaning .
2 Today the cottages are being largely restored to what purports to be their former glory , occupied by middle-class commuters with the standard family ) size of 4. 4 people .
3 Whilst the Civil Justice Review , as its recommendations are introduced , will produce considerable changes to the current High Court procedure in an effort to reduce delay , cost and complexity , the current procedure nevertheless provides an insight to what happens to civil actions prior to trial .
4 The photograph shows one of CHESTER 'S servicing teams helping star performer PETER WHITEHOUSE out of the window as a warning to what happens to those who under-perform .
5 There is clearly a civil liberties aspect to what happens to that information .
6 It may be very very relevant to what happens to but with regard to your client , this statement is not evidence against him because his confession is admissible only against the maker .
7 Moreover , for such a minister , the ideal is not a department without a policy or officials without positive ideas as to what needs to be done .
8 Well I think Simon for doing it is a really excellent way of doing it , it states the source of items , suggestions or quiffs , and makes a proposal erm , which we can debate agreed , and then it 's for clear instructions to what needs to be changed on the procedure .
9 What they 're able to do with that money this year and in that way we can make a reasonable assessment as to what has to be done next year and the years after and budget all , but we 're talking about how they 're going to spend the money that we 've just earlier on voted for , for us so that we can see what is being done and also that the public can see because after all this all came up , the report to the ombudsman and the public will not be satisfied about our performance on that .
10 Yet the signs are that industry largely turns a blind eye to what appears to a growing problem
11 ‘ What the counsellor does is to concentrate on how the client feels about the incidents or facts he is reporting rather than on the facts themselves , and then to respond to what appears to be the most significant part of each complex sequence …
12 Why should Andropulos be an exception to what appears to be a fairly well established rule ? ’
13 I can now turn to what appears to me to be the crucial question in this case : was the 1s. 6d. an ‘ ordinary retail selling price ’ within the meaning of section 8 ?
14 If it does not , and the person is merely displaying sexual ambivalence short of transsexualism , then the issue is really one of giving recognition to what amounts to a homosexual union , and will be discussed below .
15 Casual references by our political leaders to what seems to them to be the quite recent past can be lost on a young audience .
16 Never are we invited to a reading of ‘ The Beast in the Jungle ’ in which that figuration is followed to what seems to me its logical conclusion .
17 We come here to what seems to me to be the central dilemma in second language pedagogy : the conditions appropriate for acquiring communicative resources are different from the conditions of their use .
18 Caught off guard , in a mellow mood , away-from the pressures that the stance has been developed to shield them from , they too will admit to being disappointed and confused , not as hard-bitten as they make out , and as having found only a very inadequate solution to what seems to be an insoluble problem : how to do a good enough job .
19 A major concern will be a cultural set attached to what seems to be a disappearing base , at least if the logic of capital is allowed to determine the course of events .
20 The authors draw attention to what seems to be a large regional variation between rates of surgical treatment for glue ear .
21 What I have here described as the " normality " which human beings regularly attribute to what seems to them simple , intelligible , logically ordered , in contradistinction to the " abnormality " of disorderly unintelligibility , might , from a slightly different point of view , be seen as the opposition between the " rational " and the " emotional " .
22 Particularly if the year intended in the lists is indeed 833 — these actual death dates may be an indication that this entry should , however , be dated a year earlier , i.e. 832 -but in any case in view of the general chronological uncertainty , Rajab 834 appears to fall within an allowable margin of error ; and one would therefore be reluctant to dismiss the circumstantial account of a contemporary biographical source in favour of a too-strict adherence to what seems to be the slightly uncertain evidence of the chronological lists .
23 With our Association growing in numbers over the years , to what seems to be a plateau of about 1200 members , the collective voice has been heard , especially since some of those members are Community , District and Borough Councils ; as well as various clubs and businesses .
24 The Heart of Wales Line has come full circle ; from prosperity in the early days , via near disasters , to what seems to be a gradual revival of its fortunes today .
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